Chapter 572

"Spare me, spare my life! Please, all great immortals, please spare your life! Us, can't we surrender?"

This is a group of night elf huntresses, please help the guys originally rode black panthers forward, but because of the super fire just now, their mounts went crazy, they got rid of the shackles of their masters, and all four of them fled away , So the cavalry became infantry, and naturally they were quickly overtaken by the enemy.

"Hmph, you gang of spineless guys, didn't you still shoot wildly at our orcs just now? Why don't you run away now?"

Those who caught up with these night elf huntresses were the wolf cavalry led by the orc prophet Thrall.Unlike the night elves on the opposite side, after receiving the baptism of God Zheyan's fire, the partnership between these guys and the giant wolf became closer, and some of them even developed a certain degree of telepathy , so become more powerful in tracking and striking enemies.

"I am the Priestess of the Moon, and I ask to see your leader Thrall!"

Perhaps because he was worried that his master would be wiped out, the night elf hero who survived with difficulty stepped forward, hoping to win everyone a chance to survive through his old acquaintance with the other hero.

"You are only our prisoner now, and you are not qualified to meet our boss! Besides, we have to continue to track down the dark army, so we don't have time to talk to you!"

Many of these orc warriors were killed by these hateful huntresses before, so after capturing these captives, the wolf cavalry leader did not intend to keep them, but planned to find a place in the wilderness to click directly.

Although Priestess Moon saw the other party's plan, she was seriously injured and her mana was exhausted at this moment, so she was basically a piece of meat on someone's chopping board.

Although these night elves are all handsome men and beautiful women, they obviously do not conform to the aesthetic concept of these orcs. These guys are more willing to turn these opponents into jerky as future military rations.

"Wait a minute, what are you all doing? The night elves are not our sworn enemies, those dark creatures are!"

Just when these wolf cavalry were about to kill them, their eldest prophet Thrall arrived in time.

"Master Prophet, many of our brothers were killed by these huntresses before, and we want to avenge the brothers who died in battle!"

Although the elder brother stopped him, the boss of the wolf cavalry did not intend to keep his hand. The weapon in his hand had already reached the forehead of a huntress, and it was about to touch the opponent's hair.


It was a ring of blue lightning, issued from the hand of Prophet Thrall, which was his unique skill Chain Lightning.Originally this move was used to deal with the enemy, but in order to save people, the orc hero used the minimum power to shock all the disobedient wolf cavalry in front of him onto the grass.

"Am I the boss of the orc clan, or are you the boss?"

Although he saw several of his brothers getting their hairs erected from the electric shock, this was also the time to show his leadership, so naturally he couldn't tolerate any soft-heartedness.

"Brother Thrall, I was wrong. From now on, we will abide by the rules you set. Excuse me, how should we arrange these night elves? After all, it is really a burden for us to take them with us!"

This is also a real problem. Even if there was a little secret communication between the night elves and the orcs in the past, the hatred in the eyes of these orc warriors cannot be completely eliminated.

"Lord Thrall, if you trust our night elves, please recruit us! We are willing to rush to the forefront of your team, even if we are cannon fodder! If we were not coerced by those dark people back then, we would not be able to Being the machine of this war, we hate the dark race no less than you! Especially that Ming Shiyin, he even destroyed our temple, just for fear that we would oppose him!"

Well, in fact, the only ones who really took the initiative to seek refuge with Ming Shiyin were those dark people, and creatures outside the circle like orcs and night elves originally fought on their own, but under the coercion of Ming Shiyin, they would Join the Legion of Darkness.

It's just that compared to those upright orcs, the shadow elves know how to protect themselves, so when the orcs were abandoned, they survived successfully.

But now is not the time for these old accounts. Although the large army of the dark clan has been completely defeated, there are still quite a few remaining troops who have fled to the depths of the outside world, trying to find them all. The strength of the orcs themselves is not enough!
And the coalition forces of Yiqi Dao League and Yaozu have never been to the world outside the circle, so they dare not advance rashly, and the joint strategy proposed by these night elves is very appropriate.

Since everyone has resentment towards that Ming Shiyin, why not unite to collect debts from this guy.Anyway, the great gods of the Heavenly Court are now chasing the culprit everywhere, forgive him for not having time to manage the orcs and the night elves.

"Okay, although I haven't obtained the consent of the old cows, but as far as I am unilaterally, I am very willing to join forces with you. Let's find out those dark creatures one by one, and let them pay what they owe us. Spit out the bills one by one!"

All right!This is called when the tree falls and the monkeys scatter, and the wall falls and everyone pushes it!Just a day ago, all the tribes of these out-of-circle creatures were desperately trying to please Ming Shiyin, but at this moment, it has become a rhythm of collectively beating the dogs in the water. Who knows how sour it is!
"Thank you, Prophet Thrall! From now on, you orcs will be in charge of the world outside this circle, and our night elves will always stand behind you and support you!"

All right!Although the lord of the heavenly court has not said that he will hand over this vast outer world to the orcs, they seem to have made their own decisions...

"Cousin, look at how vast the world outside this circle is. You have seen so many poor mountains and primeval forests when you were in Wangquan Villa before!"

In fact, Dongfang Yueyue and Wangquan Fugui had no plans to move forward after following the orcs for a period of time.After all, they have united with the night elves now, so it shouldn't be a problem to eliminate the remnants of the dark army.

As for that guy named Ming Shiyin, if he dares to show his face, if he dares to show his face, he will be caught by this great god who is full of sky.

It may be that they are worried about being seen by mortals on the ground, so Yang Jian and Houyi, who are patrolling here, all use the high-speed way of advancing. At most, mortals on the ground will see a golden shooting star across the sky. Of course, everyone know what that is!
"Hehe, cousin Yue Yue, I don't have as much leisure as you. In my opinion, this is an extremely desolate place. I don't think I will come here in the future!"

The reason why royal power and wealth came to this world outside the circle is to fight, and now their mission of the Yiqi Dao League has basically been completed, and those creatures outside the circle that can endanger the world have either been quietly hidden, or have been killed. Everyone is wiped out, at least in these few years, they won't make trouble, right?

Therefore, the current royal power and wealth have begun to retreat, and this barren land should be handed over to their original owners!
"Cut, you really have no poetic charm! Seeing that you want to rush back in such a hurry, you probably miss your wife Qingtong, right?"

Well, you Dongfang Luchu, why do you have to say something?What a sight!

"Cough cough, cousin Yue Yue, you are really straightforward, but you are a big boy, don't you think about your own affairs?"

"Of course I have to think about it. My heart is already in Tu Shanhong..."

"Second Taoist priest, what do you want to say?"

While Dongfang Yuechu was chatting slowly with Wang Quanfugui, Tu Shanhonghong suddenly appeared behind them...

(End of this chapter)

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