Chapter 657 Zhang Liangji

"My lord, thank you my lord! Xiao Wang will definitely do his best to bring the world back!"

The meaning of the lord of the heaven in front of him is already very clear.Even if Jing Ke, Lian Po and Bai Qi have already met the conditions for ascension, they cannot become a member of the Heavenly Court before Qin Wang Yingzheng, but they will not be able to have this honor until the six kingdoms are unified.

From the side, this incident seems to have given King Qin Yingzheng another kind of motivation, making him feel that he is the one who is valued the most.

The other guys have already got a positive answer from Tianting, so what if we wait a few more days?
"Thank you for your success, my lord. After I get to the top, I will definitely be your pawn and stand in front of everyone all the time!"

This guy Bai Qi had already been hit by the situation to the bottom of his life, but he didn't expect to be blessed by misfortune. He met the noble person he was destined for, and he was able to rise to the top and become a god immediately. This guy's gratitude is naturally the most vivid among these few people .

Both Lian Po and Jing Ke have provided valuable information to each other. In a sense, it can be regarded as an equivalent exchange. Of course, the rewards the two of them got are far beyond the previous imagination, and they can get such blessings It's worth it!

As for King Qin Yingzheng, he seemed to be the most proud one, but this kid probably never dreamed that the one who really fell in love with him would be Dongfang Qinlan.However, with the level of the emperor in the world, it would definitely help him a lot to get mixed up in the heavenly court.And there is some kind of rumor that if the depressed subordinates have a few real kings to help him, the status of the lord of heaven will be greatly improved!

But this world is so wonderful, some families are happy and some are sad.Just when our atomic warrior ran to meet Xiao Chen with a few targets, he didn't deliberately conceal his whereabouts, but he brought great confusion to the Ninth Young Master and the others, and all the information came from the person named Zhang Liang's kid provided it to Han Fei!
"Master Ninth, our spies stationed in Qin State recently discovered something extraordinary! The lord first went to see Bai Qi, and then he seemed to get involved with that guy Ying Zheng again, and the two guys It seems that I respect that adult very much, I wonder if this will be of great disadvantage to us in Korea?"

Now everyone in the world is very clear about the major events in the world. Qin is getting stronger and stronger now, and the other princes of the six countries are basically exhausted. Even if all the six countries are united, they are no match for others.

Although it was rumored a while ago that the guy named Bai Qi seems to have retired, but who knows if he is secretly accumulating power, and then wiped out the six countries and unified the world in one fell swoop?

And now if the Qin State is favored by the atomic warriors again, who in the world can fight against them?

This is what Zhang Liang is most worried about, and it is also a situation that Jiu Gongzi is very afraid of. If this thing comes true, it will not be a crisis for them in Korea!

"No, didn't the lord have already said it before? He is not interested in our mortal affairs at all, so how could he join forces with King Qin Yingzheng? Brother Zhang Liang, you must be thinking too much. Here I am thinking wildly, it is better to wait until the adult comes back and ask clearly, what do you think?"

Han Fei looked calm on the surface, but he basically agreed with Zhang Liang's inference in his heart.This atomic warrior didn't know what happened in Qin State, but he got so close to their king. If he had the support of this lord, it would only take a few days for Qin State to block the whole world!

"Master Ninth, we can't just sit and wait for death! We must choose a good strategy, at least to ensure that our South Korea will not be trampled by Qin's iron hooves, please make it up, Mr. Ninth!"

At this moment, Zhang Liang is completely planning for a rainy day. Although their South Korea's military strength cannot confront Qin directly, if they use a roundabout way to mediate, they may be able to preserve the current peace situation in South Korea.

"You mean, are we going to compromise with King Qin Yingzheng? Based on our relationship with that atomic warrior, let this adult help us deliver a message to that Yingzheng, hoping to preserve South Korea!"

The ninth son is not an ordinary person. Things have developed to this point. Even if he intends to strengthen South Korea, but in the face of strong military and economic strength, who would believe what a South Korean prince who is nothing said? ?
But the current king of Han only trusts the fourth prince, and then there are guys from Yemu who control the government.Those guys don't know what they think. They know that the Qin State has a great cause, but they are still very tough when it comes to the outside world. Do they think that with South Korea's strength, they can fight against the mighty Qin State?
That is simply self-destruction and self-inflicted humiliation. Qin Guo only needs to touch less than 1/5 of his skills to destroy the entire South Korea. When the time comes, all people will die!
"Young Master Jiu, if we were given another 30 years, we might be able to build Korea into a strong vassal state, but we have run out of time now. If that Qin King Yingzheng really joins hands with that adult, it may not be possible In ten years, the whole world will belong to the Qin State! Ninth Young Master, you are also a sensible person, don’t you understand the general trend of the world?”

There is really no way for Zhang Liang to come up with such a bad idea. After all, in the previous battle of Changping, among the six countries, only Chu State dared to challenge Qin State, but in that Chu State, only the general surnamed Xiang was still actively resisting Qin State. , but after all, this is a useless resistance of a weak force.

If South Korea does not surrender to the other party sooner or later, there will be a disaster of swordsmanship sooner or later.If even those superpowers can't resist Qin, why should they Koreans resist others?So the best way now is to be wise and protect yourself. Even if you hand over the kingship, it will be better than the end of the country being broken!
"Actually, I have also considered your suggestion, but you know the current situation in the court. If this suggestion is proposed by us, not only will the father not accept it, but the group of night guys may even use it to Make an excuse! So the top priority we have to do now is to eradicate these minions of the night curtain in the shortest possible time, and concentrate the central power of South Korea in our hands. At that time, whether to continue to fight or to coexist peacefully will be able to have a result ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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