Chapter 658 Three Lives Three Worlds
While the various gods sent by the Heavenly Court were trying to find Ming Shiyin in various planes, the culprit himself had already received a little wind. In terms of methods, it is only a matter of time before they are finally found.

"Have you found out? Are there any dark creatures at my level or higher than me in so many parallel worlds?"

It turns out that Ming Shiyin was not just hiding in Tibet during this period of time. Now he is very aware of the gap between himself and the Heavenly Court, so if he wants to save his life and shorten the gap, this kid can only look for alliances in all directions. power.

After all, in this world, apart from the light side representing justice, there is also a power representing darkness.Although Ming Shiyin has already failed once on his own territory, it doesn't mean that he can't find allies in other parallel universes who can form an alliance together, and then make a comeback or something!

Of course, those are all things to say, the current Ming Shiyin is actually trying to find some way to seek some protection!
"Master, it's not bad to have some dark forces in a space similar to ours, but after our evaluation, if they meet the heavens, they may not be opponents. The only thing you can try now is to go to those high-level positions. However, if the problem arises in this way, the risk to us is quite uncontrollable. If we find a guy who does not recognize our relatives, we may even risk our own lives! And even if we can meet a The master who can tell right from wrong, but this guy will never look at us who come from the lower planes, are you willing to be his servant?"

This man in black is one of the few confidantes around Ming Shiyin. The others were either scattered, or they were lurking in other planes and captured by the Heavenly Court!
So in desperation, the black-robed old man in front of him came up with a bad idea for his master: in the past, when his power was at its peak, this Ming Shiyin and his men in black would often come to planes lower than his own level. to wreak havoc on the planet, which also includes the previous world of fox demons.

But the problem is that the current Ming Shiyin is already desperate, and even if he can find allies in the parallel or low-level worlds, they will not be of much help!

Therefore, if you want to fundamentally defeat the Heavenly Court, you must find a dark existence that is many times stronger than themselves.

"It doesn't matter, I order you to find this type for me now, and you must find the plane where the dark forces have the upper hand. It doesn't matter even if the other party wants us to be his subordinates, our main purpose now is to save our lives ,do you understand me?"

All right!Master Ming Shiyin, the majestic creator of the Nine Heavens in the past, has now become what he is now. The contrast is really embarrassing!
"There is one such plane now! It's just that the protoss on this plane now have a huge advantage, and the boss of the dark forces is sealed. But if we can release the sealed dark boss If we come out, the situation in that world will undergo an earth-shaking change, and we can also take the opportunity to become their hero!"

The plane that the black-robed old man mentioned is actually a parallel space called "Three Lives and Three Worlds". There have always been three worlds of humans, gods and demons in that place, and the place where the gods live is also called Jiuchongtian. The battle-ready Protoss was defeated, so they had to live in a barren land where there was darkness and no light.

But when our black robe went to that world, he clearly felt the loosening of the seal of the dark forces. It seems that the dark forces will soon recover on that plane!And once this happens, the battle between the dark world and the light world is absolutely inevitable!

"Very good, the plane you found is quite good, let's prepare quickly and gather all our remaining strength, we are going there to help the dark forces! Even if we are from a low-level plane, but believe That adult will definitely remember our benefits. Also, bring all the treasures we collected before, there must be a lot of places to take care of, I hope this time I won't be disappointed!"

In the high-level plane called Sansheng III, any little fairy is tens of thousands of years old, and a guy like Ming Shiyin whose cultivation base is less than 1 years old may only be regarded as a little fairy there. servant.

For the same reason, the dark forces in that world must be quite powerful. If these guys from the Heavenly Court chase after them, it is very likely that they will never return.

Also, there is no room for two tigers on one mountain. If the gods on the Jiuchongtian over there know that there are gods from other planes breaking in, they will definitely attack them mercilessly. Maybe it will really make Ming Shiyin Take revenge!

"The master is really wise, but if we go to a high-level plane from our place, we need to meet various conditions. Everything can only be carried out after the right time, place and people. If we force our way in, our end may be wiped out. , so I hope the master can wait patiently for the results of our school's exploration!"

"This is natural, as long as I don't get caught by these guys, I can wait as long as I want, but these guys from Heaven have already searched several planes, I'm afraid God won't give us this chance!"

At this moment, Ming Shiyin is basically a frightened bird. The Douluo Continent world that the little bald teacher Saitama captured is just a wall away from the place where he is hiding now, and it is said that there seems to be a passage leading to this world in that Douluo Continent .

If that scary little bald man were really allowed to find this passage, even if Xiao Chen didn't come over in person, Ming Shiyin's ending would not be easy to see.

So for him now, besides lurking in a low-key manner, he has to keep praying to the sky, praying that before the gate of the high-level protoss plane is opened, the group of heavenly people headed by Xiao Chen will not find the current Mingshi A hidden hiding place, otherwise all the previous layout and hiding would be useless.

But there is an old saying that people are not as good as heaven, no matter how well Ming Shiyin arranges here, if he is destined to escape this catastrophe, no matter how much he prepares, it will be useless!

(End of this chapter)

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