Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 659 Another 1th Heaven

Chapter 659 Another Ninth Heaven
"Master Dijun, our patrolling generals seem to have found something wrong recently, please take a look if you have time!"

The person who spoke was a general on duty at the Nantian Gate, who was bowing his head to report the situation to a handsome white-haired man opposite.

Their Nine Heavens is much larger than Xiao Chen's, and there are definitely more gods living on it than Mr. Xiao imagined. This is where the gods of high-level planes live.

It is said that God Zheyan from Ten Miles of Taolin had visited that plane before, but he was not used to the restrictive life there, so he came to Xiao Chen's plane.

"Oh? It seems that some ignorant dark forces want to covet our Nine Heavens! However, these outside evil forces are very weak, and they probably retreated after encountering our protective circle. What do you guys do? Very well, if you find similar situations in the future, you must report to me as soon as possible, and if I am not here, you can tell Si Ming Xingjun, understand?"

This handsome guy with white hair seems to be a very important person in Jiuzhongtian. Although he is not the absolute boss, his strength is recognized as the strongest in Jiuzhongtian.This setting seems to be similar to our Xiao Chen's Heavenly Court. If they really fight alone, Li Bai and Yang Jian may be able to sit on an equal footing with him as the rightful master!
Obviously, the dark aura that the guard of the Nantian Gate just discovered was the subordinate Ming Shiyin sent over to investigate. It may be because he didn't know the rules of the Jiuchongtian. After a layer of golden light on the periphery, his body was directly blown away, leaving only a trace of black soul and fled back.

It's all due to this guy's lack of brains. Even if you want to find a passage to the two worlds, you have to find a way to start from the place of the demons or the monsters, and rush to the nine heavens of the gods. Who will destroy you?
However, this cannot be completely blamed on this black robe without eyes, because in the previous thousands of years, the Protoss had established its dominant position in a great war, and sealed all the demons in this world in a barren In the area, a golden light shield was set up on the periphery, in order to prevent these dark forces from escaping.

However, this is the first time that these golden masks have been touched on the periphery. Although the emperor remained calm on the surface and put on a look of indifference, it was just to appease the guards of the Nantianmen. It is to prevent the situation from becoming serious!
"It turned out to be like this! I said why the golden mask just flickered slightly, and then everything returned to normal! It seems that these demons from the lower realm are not good enough, and they are simply unbearable compared to us. Hit!"

Dijun's ingenious answer quickly calmed everyone's doubts. I believe that even if this matter gets out, it will become a joke after dinner. No one will treat or investigate it as a big matter.

It's just that as an emperor, this great god himself can't be sloppy. After returning to his palace, this handsome white-haired guy quickly began to meditate, and began to deduce where the dark aura came from before?
Although this dark aura has been wiped out, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be a bigger conspiracy behind it.Could it be that a certain demon king in the demon world is seeking help from the outside world, in order to help their demon clan make a comeback?

Although there are only a few clues from before, as long as the emperor wants to understand, there is nothing in the world and 3000 planes that his spiritual ability cannot reach.

Soon, the emperor returned to his original state, and slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he already had a clear goal in his heart.

I saw this handsome white-haired guy slowly raised his right hand, chanted the formula silently, and then displayed a magic spell like a big screen in front of his eyes. The place that the great god paid attention to seemed to be a beautiful peach blossom Forest, could it be Zheyan Shangshen's Ten Mile Peach Forest?
"Old Phoenix, call Old Phoenix, are you drunk again? Come out quickly, I am Emperor Donghua, I have something to ask you!"

It turned out that this handsome white-haired guy quickly locked on the place of origin through his own connection spell, combined with the dark information left on the golden light shield.And it just so happened that their protoss happened to have a senior who didn't care about the world and lived on which plane, that guy was the familiar god Zheyan, and his body was an old phoenix.

"Hey, hello, Emperor Donghua, you are really a rare visitor. When was the last time you contacted me? Let me think about it, was it 8000 years ago, or 2 years ago? You, who lives in the Ninth Heaven, Why did Lord Dijun think of me? Don’t tell me that you came to me for peach blossom wine, I don’t even have enough for myself!”

It may be because of being drunk, it took a long time for this Zheyan Shangshen to appear, and he was still holding a wine gourd in his hand. From the red expression on his face, it can be seen that this old phoenix must have been drinking too much just now. up!
"Shangyan Zheyan, I didn't come to drink with you today, but to confirm something with you! Although you are far away from our Jiuzhongtian, you can't just be a shopkeeper who throws your hands away! Some things are yours. You can't be indifferent to what happens in the plane!"

The Emperor Donghua's tone was clearly filled with anger.Thinking about it, Zheyan Shangshen in front of him is also a super god, he may not be indifferent to the dark aura on his plane gradually growing and growing!

"You mean the black energy that rushed to the Nine Heavens before! Who said I didn't know? The owner of that guy is Ming Shiyin, the owner of the world outside our circle! I told you thousands of years ago You have reported that the branch of our Jiuzhongtian here was destroyed by that guy back then? And the reason why I will stay in this world is to protect the peace of one side? Are you an old man, Dijun? It's been so long, I've forgotten everything!"

It seems that the reason why this Zheyan Shangshen appeared in this world was not because he was greedy for drinking, but to maintain the peace of this world of fox demons!

This can also understand the fundamental reason why when Xiao Chen was dueling with Ming Shiyin and the others in the outer world, this Zheyan God suddenly appeared, and then killed almost all the dark creatures in an instant, right?

He was originally the patron saint of this world, and this was his responsibility!

(End of this chapter)

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