Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 663 Emerald Tiger's Plan

Chapter 663 Emerald Tiger's Plan
"Why are you two big men so confused at this time? Didn't Mr. Ren already promise to come back and have a drink with you? Why have you all forgotten?"

Just when the two big men were a little depressed, the arrival of Miss Zi Nu brought them a little comfort.Besides that adult, who else could make this girl so important?

At this time, both Master Jiu and Zhang Liang have a lot of questions and want answers, but they just don't know if the Atomic Warrior is willing to answer them?

"What are you two drinking here? The general trend of this world is that if it is divided for a long time, it will be united, and if it is united for a long time, it will be divided. If you have the ability to make the people live better, you can also be the masters of this world!"

Since Atomic Warrior has promised to come back, he will definitely not break his promise, and after hearing about Zhang Liang before, this great god began to be interested in this Korean counselor.

"My lord, have you met Qin Wang Yingzheng before? If you have, can you tell us what you have said to him? Maybe you don't know it yet, but in the past few days they held a swearing-in meeting in Qin State , Said to unify the six countries, by force!"

It may be that it is inconvenient for Mr. Jiu to say some words, so our Mr. Zhang Liang started to do it for him.It's just that his questions didn't irritate the adult in front of him as expected, and the expression of the atomic warrior was still so calm.

"Hehe, I don't care much about your human affairs. But the reason why that guy did such a thing this time does have something to do with me. Then I will try to explain it to you: I actually didn't say anything to him, I just promised him that he could go to us to be a god after he stabilized the world. I think you two boys have good aptitude, if you are interested, I can let you go there too!"

It may be that we have some understanding of Zhang Liang before, and our atomic warriors have already taken a fancy to this kid to some extent.And the Ninth Young Master in front of him is also a good talent, at least this kid is good at playing chess, if he is willing to abandon everything in the world, he can also become a fairy.

"What, what? My lord, that's what you meant! No wonder this Yingzheng has gone crazy these days. It turns out that he wants to ascend to heaven as soon as possible!"

If ordinary people heard the words of Atomic Warrior, they would definitely have various doubts.But the current Jiu Gongzi and Zhang Liang are 100% sure that the guy in front of them is a fairy, so when the atomic warrior explained the basic situation, they understood the reason.

Yes, who among these mortals in today's world does not want to become a fairy and attain the Tao?Not only the princes and ministers of the Qin State, but even the nobles in Korea dreamed of being immortal all day long, so in order to realize this condition, Qin Wang Yingzheng will definitely work hard!
"How is it? What do you two think? But don't think that this king of Qin has taken all the benefits. I have already made it very clear to him. If you want to go to our side, you have to take this place." Abandon everything! That is to say, even if that guy takes down the whole world, he won't be able to enjoy it for a few days, so his current conquest of the world is nothing more than completing the task!"

The meaning of Atomic Warrior is obvious. As long as the two friends in front of them can let go of their personal obsessions and even abandon all their status and family ties in the mortal world, they can also get the same treatment as King Qin Yingzheng.

"I-I haven't thought about this yet! Although it is a very good result to become an immortal, it is not what I want! Our Korea itself is still troubled by internal and external troubles, and it is impossible for me to give up these things and go to other immortal worlds!"

From a certain point of view, this Ninth Young Master named Han Fei has a higher spiritual level than that Qin Wang Yingzheng, at least when the latter heard that he could achieve Taoism and become a fairy, he almost lost his own country.But Jiu Gongzi obviously still considers his responsibility to South Korea in his heart, this kind of spiritual realm is obviously much higher!
"Young Master Jiu doesn't have this kind of thinking, and I, Zhang Liang, don't even think so! Thank you sir for your kindness to both of us. The future of Korea will be created by us Koreans!"

Ok!These Korean people are really strange. The Ninth Young Master in front of him gave up the chance to become a fairy for his hometown, which should be very understandable; but what is this Zhang Liang doing, for loyalty?
These are two annoying young men who can't see through, but from their point of view, this approach is very correct: you can't let others live in dire straits for your own selfish desires!

"I don't care about you two, but if you want to change your mind, you must hurry up. I have learned a lot of real information about Luo Wang, and I will conduct a comprehensive investigation on these guys next time. I will run around, so I don’t have to stay in Korea any longer, but I am grateful to you for taking care of me during this time!”

This is what it takes to become an immortal and attain the Tao. If you don't accept the advice of an immortal, you will miss the opportunity if you miss it.

And just as the Atomic Warrior was explaining his point of view to the two guys in front of him, the door of the room was knocked again, and this time it was Zi Nu who came in again.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your chat, but our intelligence report said that there was a severe drought in Nanyang, and the local people had no rice to eat. However, the price of rice in our Xinzheng has been rising rapidly recently. Behind this seems It's that fellow Emerald Tiger who is playing tricks!"

look!This is why the two young people in front of them can't let go of South Korea.If this country is as powerful as Qin, these two young people don't need to worry about many things, and they will naturally have a mood of soaring.

And now?There are already strong enemies around outside, but their Korean high-level is further oppressing the bottom. Now, in order to make money, that guy named Emerald Tiger actually has the idea of ​​disaster victims. How can you let our Jiu Gongzi feel at ease? ?
"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't continue to chat with you! I have to go to the palace now. If the Emerald Tiger continues to do whatever he wants, we don't have to wait for King Qin Yingzheng to come over. We in Korea will kill ourselves Already!"

I have to admit that this ninth son still loves his country very much!

(End of this chapter)

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