Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 664 Natural and Man-made Disasters

Chapter 664 Natural and Man-made Disasters
"What are you talking about? How could it be like this? There are such strange things in this world!"

Due to the rush of time, we in Jiugongzi can only slowly read the information reported over there on the road.

It turns out that the drought in Nanyang is very strange to say, not because there is not enough rain there, but because the food there is not known why under the irrigation of rainwater, instead of a good harvest, it will automatically burn after being wet. It also led to the failure of the harvest in that place.

You must know that Nanyang is the granary of the entire South Korea. If this place fails to harvest this year, it will definitely shake the foundation of the entire South Korea.

In fact, the basic price of food in South Korea has doubled at the moment, and even the military rations in the treasury are said to be insufficient, and people in Nanyang have starved to death.

"What's going on? Can any of you give me an answer?"

After arriving at the palace, our Ninth Young Master first asked the officials in Nanyang before meeting the king, but these guys couldn't provide any valuable information except for hesitating. All blamed on natural disasters, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the hat on my head?

"Han Fei, are you really going to be the imperial envoy? The situation in Nanyang is not very good now!"

It may be because of worrying about the country and the people. After a lot of arguments, our ninth son actually took the task of going to Nanyang to investigate the drought. You must know that this is a hot potato. How many royal relatives The nobles can't avoid it, but this kid actually took it, isn't this an embarrassment for himself?
"That's right, father! Please open the treasury immediately to provide relief, and I will go there first to find out the situation!"

Although there are many unfavorable factors around, when the country is in trouble, only these young people who are full of blood will stand up.

But it was precisely because of the reckless behavior of the Ninth Young Master, how many people were waiting to see their jokes!
"Okay! I will discuss it with the ministers as soon as possible. You go to appease them. If someone is disobedient and intentionally causing trouble, you must not indulge them, this gang of troublemakers!"

At this moment, King Han, who was living above the temple, had long been turned into a puppet manipulated by the night, completely unaware of what happened underneath.

"Please rest assured, father, I will set off there immediately to investigate the situation! I have very reliable friends by my side, so I don't need to trouble the imperial army to send out people!"

In fact, Jiu Gongzi has already got some news before, that is, the Emerald Tiger belonging to the side of the night made a large amount of food a while ago, and now this batch of goods whose prices have risen in the market is basically the number one profiteer in Korea. It was released, is it really such a coincidence?

"Master Ninth, I've heard about you in the palace. Just now, I went to the lord to make a routine. He pinched his fingers to help me do the calculations, and wrote two words on the table with wine. What do you want?" Don't come over and take a look?"

Now Nanyang has experienced a severe drought, and many people have been displaced. Even if Jiu Gongzi can find out why, then they will definitely not be able to think of a way to save the victims in a short time. After all, they have not even found the heel.

Atomic Samurai originally didn't care about human affairs, but because he changed the overall situation of the world after meeting with Ying Zheng, he felt a little indebted to others, so he used his own method to find the key person in this incident.

That is Emerald Tiger, rumored to be a businessman who specializes in dealing with Yemu among the people.Moreover, Nanyang is the territory of Emerald Tiger, and this guy made his fortune here.

There will always be a group of people in this world. They will do something when the world is peaceful tomorrow, and then take the opportunity to create chaos and profit from it. That profiteer named Emerald Tiger has done a lot of things in the past two years. Do, so this strange drought is probably related to this guy.

But now with the reminder from the Atomic Warrior, Master Jiu and Zhang Liang can focus all their investigations on each other.

"Thank you sir for me, but I'm short on time, so I won't thank you in person. I'm going to Nanyang soon, please tell the other companions, we must get ready as soon as possible!"

Since even the Great God thinks that Jade has a serious suspicion, then the drought that caused Nanyang is probably not just a natural disaster, it is definitely a man-made disaster, so before the other party hides all the traces, Jiu Gongzi must Go to the field to investigate.

"Don't worry, this is our first large-scale event in Quicksand, we can't be pig teammates!"

Zhang Liang naturally knew what Master Jiu wanted to do, and Quicksand needed a perfect victory to declare war on the night.

Now that Daqin's iron cavalry has set off, if South Korea can't even settle its own domestic affairs, how can it solve the world's major issues?

"Brother, everything is up to you!"


"Dad, didn't our Nanyang have a bumper harvest last year, and I've read the log that the rain hasn't stopped during this period. How did it suddenly become like this?"

After arriving at the destination, our Ninth Young Master went around and found an old man as a guide, and the other party directly led the Young Master to his farmland.

"Young Master, I don't know that this year's weather is really evil! Originally, rain like this would surely guarantee a bumper crop, but this year's rain is very strange. As long as it touches the crops, it will burn, and the whole crop will be burned at once. The whole land was burnt down, and some people even spread ghost stories about it!"

These ancient guys are like this, attribute all unexplainable natural phenomena to ghosts and gods, as if the sky wants to condemn them!
"How did this happen? We in Korea haven't done anything harmful to the world these years. Could it be that someone is doing the sabotage?"

As the Ninth Prince of Si Kou, he would not easily believe in such things as divine punishment. Many times such stories are frighteningly made up by the rulers for their own right to rule. A prince like him who grew up in the palace is Impossible to be fooled easily!

While chatting with the old man, Jiu Gongzi inadvertently lowered his head to look at the fertilizer in the crop field.It doesn't matter if you look at it, the white limestone-like thing mixed in the soil caught the attention of the ninth son, and he subconsciously picked up a piece and put it in front of his nose to smell it...

(End of this chapter)

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