you are the love of my life

Chapter 101: No Escape

Chapter 101: No Escape

A lewd light flashed in the man's eyes immediately, he usually refused to ask her to come out for a drink, but now the down-and-out Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, if she is brought into the box, she will feel better!

Regardless of her number one card or the chicken card, they are all buses anyway.

Wang Dawei took a few steps forward in anger, reached out his hand to touch Qin Yise's smooth face, and said with a wicked smile: "Miss Qin, what a coincidence, go in and have a drink with brother!"

Qin Yise frowned, waved away the stingy hands of the wicked man in front of him, stared at him for about five seconds, then turned into a chuckle, and said slowly, "You want to buy me a drink..."

The lights above the head were dim, and the explosive music was constantly coming from the box——

Qin Yise looked lazy, her way was completely blocked by the man in front of her, if she wanted to go there, there was no way she could get out easily.

"That's right, I want to buy you a drink. You are the number one here, and your family has undergone tremendous changes. Life must be very urgent, right? As long as Miss Qin is willing, follow me tonight, and the appearance fee will not treat you badly!" David Wang Generous offer terms.

"If I don't want to..."

Qin Yise had a half-smile, and didn't explicitly refuse.

She knew that once she provoked such a rascal, she would be a beast who could do anything in public.

The man also seemed determined to get her away, and Ling Tuo, who followed her out, happened to go to the bathroom and didn't see this scene.

"Let's go, Miss Qin, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. It's not good to force me to hurt your delicate skin and tender flesh. My brothers can't wait any longer. They will be very happy to see you."

Dawei Wang rubbed his palms together, he was in great spirits, and even hugged and hugged her and dragged her to the direction of the box.

Qin Yise was holding on to the doorknob with both hands, kicking with both feet, desperately resisting: "Let go, I'm not here to sell, you want to have fun and go to someone else..."

"Stinky bitch, be honest, don't think it's a top card, I can still be you, let's make a price, one hundred thousand, or two hundred thousand?" David Wang said, dragging her into the box.

The group of people who were noisy at first fell silent when they heard the quarrel, and they all turned their eyes to the door in unison.

When Qin Yise saw Qiao Man who was smoking a cigarette in the middle of the sofa, she met her misty and charming eyes and was slightly taken aback.

She was the complete opposite of her usual noble and elegant image, and her whole body was enveloped in an aura of extravagance and depravity.

Qin Yise subconsciously wanted to escape from here, but before she could touch the door frame, she was pushed to the ground.

She struggled to get up, but was stepped down by the man again.

The bones on her back were almost broken. She took a deep breath, endured the pain, and said, "You'd better let me go. Rong Jinbei is next door. If he finds out, no one will be able to do anything good." The end..."

"Hahaha, isn't that just right, the woman who is dignified as the young master has been poached by our brothers, wouldn't it be very face-saving to spread the word?"

David Wang also ignored the urgency to urinate, and sat on Qin Yise's body, patting her cheek.

In the past, with the backing of the Qin family, Qin Yise was quite safe here, but with the title of top card, she attracted countless celebrities to flock to her.

(End of this chapter)

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