Chapter 102
Now that the family is undergoing great changes, she looks like this again. Any man who sees her twisting and struggling under him will get angry all over, and can't help but want to fuck her quickly.

Qin Yise felt so uncomfortable that she was startled and angry, and slapped the man on her body indiscriminately: "Go away, don't touch me, otherwise, otherwise I..."

"Hehe, what about otherwise?" The man asked wretchedly while pulling the zipper.

"If I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!" Qin Yise was ashamed.

"Little one, you'd better never let me go, brother will let you taste it now, it's so good that you don't want to die."

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, there was a cacophony of teasing sounds from around.

Qin Yise was gradually overwhelmed by fear. She wanted to call for help, but she believed that even the next door could not hear her shouting.

A wall is really the difference between heaven and hell!

Oh, so ironic.

Qiao Man stared indifferently at her sad eyes, stood up on her ten-centimeter high heels, and stood in front of Qin Yise like a queen.

The crystal shoe inlaid with diamonds came into view, Qin Yise raised her eyes with difficulty, and met the woman's vicious gaze.

Qiao Man looked condescendingly at her who was in a mess on the ground, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and she said proudly, "Brother Jin Bei is next door, I went to look for him, you can enjoy here slowly, I won't bother you!"

"Miss Qiao, don't go... Please help me..." Qin Yise spoke with her last hope.

Qiao Man turned a deaf ear, snorted softly as if watching a good show, and went straight out of the box, ready to go to the next door to find Rong Jinbei.

She wanted to entangle Brother Jin Bei so that he couldn't get away and couldn't come to rescue Qin Yise.

This woman is doomed to be ruined here today.

The door of the box opened and closed again, causing Qin Yise to fall into despair.

"Don't be naive, no one will come to help you, take good care of my brothers tonight, your money is indispensable!"

A group of men were laughing obscenely in her ear.


Qiao Man got out of the box, and within a few steps, she saw a group of bodyguards in suits in the corridor, blocking all the exits.

A handsome figure appeared in her sight, followed by a familiar face.

She looked at the person, her pupils shrank slightly, as if she had done something wrong, she smiled guiltyly: "Brother Jin Bei, why did you bring my cousin here? He is about to run for a high-ranking official, and he is running for a high position with you." Wake up to spend time and drink, and you are not afraid of being photographed by the media, writing scribbles in the newspapers?"

Rong Jinbei's eyes sank slightly, Jun's face was expressionless.

On the other hand, Qiao Nansheng shook his head helplessly: "You girl, I'll teach you a lesson when I get back. Now that we have something to do, we can play obediently by ourselves."

"Who are you looking for? Is it possible that my brother is also in love and went to a nightclub to find a woman?"

Qiao Man smiled sarcastically, but looked at Rong Jinbei, deliberately probing.

The man's sharp eyes swept towards her in an instant, his tall body blocked the light above his head, and the shadow that covered him was invisible, giving people a sense of oppression.

"So, do you know where she is?" Rong Jinbei cut to the chase without talking nonsense to her.

Qiao Man pretended to be confused: "Who is Brother Jin Bei asking, why can't I understand?"

Rong Jinbei hooked his lips, it looked like the clouds were calm and breezy, but the bottom of his eyes was actually full of storms, and a storm was brewing: "Qiao Man, I watched you grow up, don't play dumb with me, Qin Yi Is Ser in your hands?!"

(End of this chapter)

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