Chapter 111
After Qin Yise finished speaking, she looked at him anxiously.

Rong Jinbei's cold face instantly sank to the bottom, what did she think it was?
Playing house, making fun of it?

Flesh business?

And only do it once.

Hehe, he raised her chin, stared at her misty red face, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was still anger in his eyes that had not completely dissipated.

"How is one time enough?"

The indifferent arc of his mouth is unpredictable, and his voice is a little colder: "For those who negotiate with me, the rules of the game have always been decided by me, and you have taken advantage of all the advantages. Repay me for this A little interest is not even enough to plug the gap between the teeth!"

"I will be grateful for all your help." Qin Yise said boldly.

Rong Jinbei narrowed his eyes, he had to admire her brazenness, a look of displeasure flashed across his face, he pushed her away sarcastically, and instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "I'm not a charity, what do I need your gratitude for?" ?”

"But I know you are a good person." Qin Yise took a deep breath and smiled slightly, "If you have any other needs in the future, just ask, and I will fully cooperate."

"I'm a good person in your eyes? So you want to repay your kindness with your body, right? Let me play once, and I'll pay you nothing. How can there be such a good job in the world?!"

Rong Jinbei's tone became cold, and his words were merciless. His whole body instantly changed from scorching heat to thousand-year-old ice.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed her by the neck, "Qin Yise, since you want to play, I'll play with you. You are willing to spoil yourself like this, and I don't mind negotiating terms after the day is over! "

Qin Yise didn't have time to react to the color of his words, she just felt that her neck was hard to breathe.

It was rumored in the outside world that Rong Jinbei was a cruel and ruthless man, and his perverted methods were frightening.

She didn't believe it at first, because she had never seen such a cruel side of him.

Putting away the dignified and elegant gentleman's appearance, apart from the cold killing intent all over his body, even the eyes he looked at her were filled with a chilling coldness.

It seemed that if she dared to talk nonsense again, he would tear her into pieces.

But the arrow was on the string, and she had to send it. Qin Yise categorically retorted: "I don't want to owe more and more, but I have nothing to repay you, so I have to satisfy what you want. Is there anything wrong with that..."

Rong Jinbei let go of his hands when he heard the words, and gave a cold laugh, without any warmth in his eyes: "It's a pity that I don't like frivolous and lowly women. If you do this, you will only spoil my appetite."

After he finished speaking, he turned around coldly, went up the jade steps, stepped out of the hot spring in two or three steps, with a bath towel around his waist, opened the door with an angry face, and walked out.

The golden door opened and was slammed shut mercilessly, and the entire floor seemed to shake.

Qin Yise felt as if someone had rubbed a handful of sand into her heart, no matter how much she washed it, she couldn't get it clean. Apart from the pain, she also felt bitingly cold in the warm water.

Looking at the closed door with blurred eyes, she carefully washed herself from head to toe before sitting up, picked up the neat and clean towel on the shelf next to her, and wiped the water stains on her body casually.

Rong Jin Beifang's words made Qin Yise feel ashamed and ashamed, with a hint of sadness mixed in.

In fact, she never knew that the word "not self-love" was so cruel.

No one taught her the so-called rules and guided her on the right path.

(End of this chapter)

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