you are the love of my life

Chapter 112 How can I have an intersection with this kind of person

Chapter 112 How can I have an intersection with this kind of person
She has always relied on her own temperament to live as she pleases.

When I was wronged, I hid and endured it secretly, and laughed heartlessly the next day.

He showed a strong interest in his body everywhere, didn't he just want to get her?
She fulfilled his wish, owed nothing to each other, and broke up the relationship as soon as possible, but why did he suddenly get angry, angry, and even loathe her after she catered to her!
Qin Yise calmed down and thought a lot, then tore off a bathrobe and put it on, and walked out of the hot spring room under the strange eyes of the servants.

She pursed her lips and walked aimlessly. The castle was terrifyingly large, with long corridors that could not be seen at a glance.

I don't know which room Rong Jinbei is in. If she looks for him in a shameless manner at this time, it will definitely be considered that she is playing with him.

Forget it, it's better to be alone, quietly.

Qin Yise opened a door at random and walked in. The maid inside didn't dare to neglect her, and hurriedly bent down to salute: "Hi Miss Qin, if you need anything, please ask."

"I'm staying here tonight, please help me get the quilt." Qin Yise looked around and said.

"Okay." The maid immediately took out a new quilt from the closet and spread it for her.

"Is Rong Jinbei the only one living here?" Qin Yise looked at the photo on the bedside table and asked casually.

With so many rooms, he shouldn't be interested in harassing himself in the middle of the night, right?
"Yes." The maid nodded, and happily chatted about her young master's private life history: "When the young master's mother was still alive, what she wanted most was to hope that he would get married and have an heir, so everything here was done by the old lady herself. It is said that several billions of dollars were spent on the layout, all of which were planned and furnished by European designers until the old lady is satisfied."


Qin Yise nodded, not feeling too much. It's not surprising that a mother dotes on her child and wants to bring the best in the world to him, so it's extravagant and wasteful.

In order to give birth to an heir as soon as possible, it is quite like the style of a big family like theirs.

"Miss Qin, I heard that you have a relationship with Rong Shao's mother. Why didn't he mention it after meeting you?" The maid made the bed, climbed out of the bed in doubt, and said about it, "You Don't you know the lady in the photo?"

Qin Yise took a closer look. The woman in the photo is gentle and virtuous, with a noble smile on her face, she looks about 50 years old.

She shook her head: "I don't know, there must be some misunderstanding."

How could she interact with someone like Rong Jinbei?

Qin Yise smiled faintly, thinking it was too far-fetched!

Before the maid left, she couldn't help but asked curiously, "Why did your young master disappear for three years?"

"I don't know about this." The maid smiled, because she had only been here for less than half a year, and seeing Qin Yise's caring look, she couldn't help suggesting: "If Miss Qin really wants to know, I'm afraid she can only ask the young master in person. , there will be an answer."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in his affairs!"

Just idle and bored, just asking casually.

Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open roughly, and a tall figure stood outside the door.

"So you're hiding here?" The cold questioning voice was very uncomfortable to hear, as if questioning a thief.

Qin Yise looked over, her body tensed up: "I'm going to find a place to sleep, is it also blocking Rong Rong's eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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