Chapter 116

Some unscrupulous merchants have ruined the health of many female friends, the men said plausibly.

Qin Yise took apart a condom on the spot, without blushing and earnestly introducing it:

"Our company is a well-known large company, and we will never deceive consumers, especially from packaging to materials, all are imported from abroad, and there are no natural side effects. If you don't believe me, try it, you can also blow up balloons, and the water will not leak. How can it leak small tadpoles! "

"The little girl now is really amazing. You can still try a condom when you sell it. It's the first time I heard it. Miss, can I try it with you?" The men asked with evil smiles.

Qin Yise endured and endured with a good temper, and finally raised a smile, blinked her big clear eyes, and said innocently: "Sorry, at present, it is only for men, and the one for women is still under development. Please support me, You have nothing to lose, it's all free!"

A wretched old man in the crowd, who looked like a little girl, was standing here handing out leaflets.

Others distributed advertisements for new store openings, real estate, etc. He couldn't help but sneered and said: "Little girl, you look like you haven't graduated yet, so you come out to work as a temporary worker. If you distribute this stuff, why don't you just sell it in the red light district and get paid for it?" Faster, in that case, we can consider it and give you a show."

This remark touched some people, who invariably booed: "Haha, that's right, the sun is so big now, it's a pity that the delicate skin and tender meat are sunburned. Why don't you go to the bar with us for a few drinks, and we'll cheer you up!"

Qin Yise didn't turn his back on her face, but tactfully refused, and quickly changed to another place to distribute.

This kind of physical work, meeting all kinds of people and strange looks, she didn't feel lucky!
At the same time, He Shaofeng and a few friends were going to the club to play bowling. When they were waiting for the traffic lights, they accidentally glanced out of the car window.

A familiar figure walked up and down, handing out leaflets, and jumped into his eyes.

He has also done volunteer work in normal times, so he knows how it feels.

The youthful flamboyance on Qin Yise's face dazzled his eyes, especially the expensive professional clothes on her body, but she was handing out leaflets in this kind of place.

She just turned her head and met his eyes across the long road.

He Shaofeng's clear eyes moved slightly, blocked by the glass, she couldn't see herself in the car.

The green light came on, and the car moved forward slowly. He Shaofeng finally couldn't bear it, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, it's me, find some people, and get the girl who handed out leaflets on Beihuan Road, all the sheets in her hand. Take the rest and I will pay you double!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yise was no longer visible in the rearview mirror.

A few friends next to her couldn't help joking: "Shaofeng, you are always so kind to her, it's a pity that people don't know your good intentions!"

"What's the matter?"

He Shaofeng held the phone and smiled.

It is his business that he is willing to give, and it does not conflict with letting her know.


When the new product launch event ended, it was almost noon, Rong Jinbei sat in the lounge, took a sip of coffee, and noticed that the taste was a bit different.

He raised his eyes and looked outside, only to remember that the little girl Pianzi he sent to run errands hadn't come back yet.

After calling twice, Ling Tuo came in. The man put down his cup and asked, "How is her work?"

(End of this chapter)

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