you are the love of my life

Chapter 117 You Are Young, You Are Not Small

Chapter 117 You Are Young, You Are Not Small

"Back to Master, Secretary Qin works very hard, is highly efficient, and can bear hardships and stand hard work. Except for a little episode at the beginning, overall it is not bad, and the task you assigned is perfectly completed!"

Ling Tuo even specially sent someone to watch Qin Yise secretly, seeing how desperate she was, he couldn't help but say a few nice words for her.

On the contrary, Rong Jinbei didn't have any special reaction, he just sneered, then stood up, and flicked the wrinkles on his suit: "Go back to the company!"

He strode out of the hotel, unbuttoned his tie after getting into the car, and threw it aside, and undid two buttons of his shirt to let him breathe.

The car was driving forward smoothly, and as soon as it turned a corner, I saw a young figure in business attire standing by the bus platform, waiting for the bus.

Ling Tuo slowed down on purpose, and the car window came down. He looked at the man behind him through the rearview mirror, and asked cautiously, "Master, do you want to take Miss Qin back to the company?"

"She doesn't like to squeeze the bus, let her squeeze!"

Rong Jinbei propped his chin with one hand, opened his mouth coldly, glanced out of the window, and then took it back.

"Now it's time for dinner, where does the young master want to eat? I know there is a good western food nearby." Ling Tuo didn't understand what the young master was being awkward about. Since the morning, he has been deliberately targeting Miss Qin.

In the end, it was not he himself who suffered.

Rong Jinbei glanced at him impatiently, raised the car window, pulled his lips coldly and said, "You talk too much today!"

"Sorry, I know I was wrong."

Ling Tuo shut his mouth wisely.

Qin Yise was exhausted from sitting on the bus, and when she relaxed, she couldn't lift up her strength at all.

Hungry and tired, she walked in a hurry in the morning, she only ate a small piece of bread and a glass of milk, and now she is already so hungry that her chest is pressed against her back!

Rong Jinbei punished her deliberately, although it was excessive, but she still did the work well without complaint.

When she arrived at the entrance of the company, she bought a cup of instant noodles at a nearby convenience store to fill her stomach.

Qin Yise squatted in the corner eating instant noodles, watching people come and go, she couldn't help sighing, if she wanted to leave here, she had to strengthen herself first.

After taking out the trash, she regained her composure, wiped her hands clean, and walked into the skyscraper with her chest up and her head up.

Pity her, a rookie, who still has to arm herself and wear a mask to deal with those veterans in the workplace who eat people and don't spit out their bones.

Walking into the elevator, several staff inside started whispering after seeing her.

After reaching the top floor, several female colleagues in the administrative department were also bowing their heads and discussing something...

She returned to the secretary's room, most of the people went downstairs to eat, a few brought their own bento, and ate while busy.

Qin Yise didn't pay attention to those strange gazes, picked up the water glass and took a few sips.

Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder from behind, "Secretary Qin, have you noticed that the atmosphere is different today?"

Qin Yise frowned slightly, could it be that everyone knew what happened last night?
"I think it's normal, what's different?"

Qin Yise held the cup, pretended to be confused, and asked casually.

The head of the secretary smacked his mouth, with a look of disbelief on his face: "You really don't know? As a party involved, you don't know about such a big matter?"

"What's the matter? Don't go around the gate."

The team leader adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, leaned close to her ear, and said in a mysterious way: "I can't tell that Secretary Qin is young and has a lot of skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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