you are the love of my life

Chapter 118 Wait until she is willing

Chapter 118 Wait until she is willing
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm going to make coffee for President Rong!"

Qin Yise stood up and walked out of the office expressionlessly, without giving the team leader a chance to continue making sarcastic remarks.

"Hey, Secretary Qin, I haven't finished my point yet..."

But, people have gone far.

Qin Yise went to the tea room to make coffee, and just in time, the head of the human resources department was also making coffee there, so she took the initiative to say hello.

Compared with this supervisor, he is not thin on himself, and basic etiquette is still required.

The supervisor looked at her with a smile, and asked with concern: "Xiao Qin, are you getting used to work well?"

"Uh, pretty good..."

"Work hard, little girl has a bright future, I am optimistic about you."

Qin Yise laughed dryly, watched him leave, with a row of black lines on his forehead, and kept muttering in his heart, what happened today?
Everyone is like hitting an evil.

Holding the coffee, she walked into Rong Jinbei's office, and stared blankly at the man sitting at the desk with his head bent over his desk.

It is said that men are the most charming when they are serious. Qin Yise also feels that if she admires President Rong Da's ubiquitous charm every day, she will be hooked sooner or later, and will be dazed by him.

The man seemed to be aware of her gaze, raised his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to sign those piles of documents in a flamboyant manner.

Qin Yise walked over, put the coffee within his reach, and said with a formulaic smile, "Mr. Rong, your coffee."

Rong Jinbei paused his movements, turned his eyes and looked at her intently.

The two seemed to have not spoken since they left the house in the morning.

Now Qin Yise is bent over, while he is tilting his head, the distance between them is so close that their breaths are intertwined, and there is only half a finger gap between the two faces.

Secretaries are all in business attire, and Qin Yise is wearing a black dress suit. She puts the coffee by his hand and stays on for a long time.

Rong Jinbei didn't expect that when she came in, she would just stare at him like this.

"It's okay, I'm going out first?"

Qin Yise smiled awkwardly, feeling a little overwhelmed by his gaze.

Rong Jinbei has calmly looked away and continued to focus on the work at hand, but he said: "If you want to stay, don't rush to leave, no one is urging you."

Qin Yise was a little speechless, and her momentum lowered, "I'm very busy with work, okay?"

Said she was like an idler.

The man put down the pen and smiled faintly. As soon as he approached, she couldn't help but stiffen sensitively.

"Hey, what do you want to do, it's working hours now, in case someone comes in..."

"Secretary Qin, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Rong Jinbei curled his lips into a smile, and asked with a smile: "So what if someone comes in? You are my personal secretary, tell me, what's the problem? Huh?"

She was just a pet that he kept by his side to play with in his spare time. She had no right to speak, no freedom, so she could only obediently stay by his side and let him order her.

I don't even have the right to say "no"...

Qin Yise was stunned by his words, her body was fixed in his arms, and she didn't dare to breathe out for a long time.

If something really happens, people outside will not care if they hear it, but will come to eavesdrop on the corner instead!

She struggled contradictoryly, and wanted to repay him, but what he wanted was her willingness to submit to him.

Rong Jinbei hugged her soft waist, even if he didn't move anything, he still felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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