you are the love of my life

Chapter 123 Beating is kissing and scolding is love

Chapter 123 Beating is kissing and scolding is love
Young Master Jin blew his whistle, and said happily to the driver: "Get out of the car and bring a gift to visit my future mother-in-law!"


The driver hurriedly got out of the car, opened the rear door, and then used his hands as the top of the car, lest he hit his head.

After Jin Shao got out of the car, the driver took out large and small bags of gifts from the trunk. The master and the servant walked towards the door of the living room. The man walked in front with a slightly fat belly, looking very burly .

When Xu Kexin heard the servant report that there was a visitor coming in, she stopped abruptly holding up the vase to smash it at Qin Yise, her hands froze in mid-air, she turned her head, looked at the man at the door, and asked a little stammeringly. :
"Master Jin? What wind brought you here?"

When Fatty Jin heard this, he grinned and motioned his subordinates to put the gift on the coffee table.

His treacherous eyes swept Qin Yise around, and then he pretended to be nonchalant, and replied: "Of course I don't have to go to the Three Treasures Palace. I'm here to propose a marriage. Why, Madam Qin, don't you welcome me?"

Xu Kexin suddenly realized, excitedly asked the servant to tidy up the living room, and then personally made the best Tieguanyin to entertain the distinguished guests.

"Of course welcome, please sit down!"

Fatty Jin picked up the teacup, his left hand was uncomfortable, Xu Kexin saw the gauze on his hand, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with Young Master Jin's hand..."

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to ask, it's not thanks to Miss Qin." He said angrily.

Xu Kexin immediately gave Qin Yise a hard look, this damn girl knew how to cause trouble for her!
Fatty Jin was very satisfied with her reaction, so his face changed into a smile again, and he said gently: "Of course I won't argue with Miss Qin, whether it's love or kiss, actually I'm here today , I heard that she is preparing for a blind date recently, so I specially prepared a small gift..."

"I have no plans to go on a blind date, you should go back!" Qin Yise flatly refused.

Didn't this man learn his lesson last night, and dare to provoke her today?
Qin Yise thought that if she continued to stay in this family, she would be forced to marry sooner or later, so she had to go abroad as soon as possible.

"Miss Qin, are you disrespecting me?" Jin Shao looked at her with a calm expression.

Xu Kexin quickly stood up to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere: "Young Master Jin, don't misunderstand, she is young and doesn't know how to speak properly. A girl will marry sooner or later. I will slowly do ideological work for her. Just wait for the good news." !"

"My patience is limited. Don't delay too long. These gifts should be treated as a meeting gift. Let's go."

Fatty Jin took the driver and left Qin's house arrogantly.

Qin Yise smiled sarcastically, looked at Xu Kexin's face, and said straight to the point: "Give me my household registration booklet and passport, and I will promise you a blind date."

"I can give you a passport, but don't even think about your household registration book."

"OK, deal!"

Qin Yise nodded.

Xu Kexin asked the nanny to go upstairs and took Qin Yise's passport. Qin Yise looked at the small dark red book in her hand, with the corners of her mouth curled up, dragged the suitcase, and walked away in small steps.

Xu Kexin was busy unwrapping presents and planning the next use plan, so she didn't bother to take care of her.

Butler Mo watched Qin Yise leave, then walked in through the back door cautiously, hugged the woman on the sofa and asked, "It was really lively just now, seeing you are so happy, is there any good news?"

(End of this chapter)

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