Chapter 124
Holding the boxes of bird's nest and ginseng, Xu Kexin acted like a baby to the butler behind her: "It's not that bitch Qin Yise, let me tell you, I'd better marry her as soon as possible, so I don't get annoyed seeing her all day long.

Also, look at where she goes, she can bring us a lot of benefits.

Alas, having a daughter is really a China Merchants Bank. Those men are rushing to give money one by one. They are either stupid or greedy for beauty. Thanks to my good calculation, I pinched that girl to death, otherwise how could the Qin family have so many circles? money? "

The woman smiled triumphantly, butler Mo glanced at the expensive herbs, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Qin Yise took a taxi back to Xinhai City. The neighborhood was very quiet, with flowers and plants fluttering in the wind under the dim retro street lamps, there was actually a hint of sweetness.

She dragged the lockbox and walked forward alone with her back. Passing the security hall, she saw a familiar Bentley parked in a parking space not far away.

The taillights of the car flickered twice, Rong Jinbei pushed open the door and got out of the driver's seat.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the car door leisurely, his eyes intertwined with Qin Yise's involuntarily.

The man's deep eyes are like a bottomless sea, deep and without waves, giving people a sense of mystery that cannot be peeped into.

Qin Yise walked over and didn't look at him with a sullen head. Rong Jinbei frowned and held her shoulder, feeling oppressive.

"You're very brave."

He gritted his teeth, his voice was not the slightest bit warm, every word almost popped out from between his teeth, and slammed into her ear sharply.

Qin Yise stared at her toes, the corners of her mouth turned up, but her eyes were sore, and she had the urge to cry.

She was beaten by Xu Kexin without shedding a single tear, and no matter how much she was excluded, she never felt wronged or sad.

However, his cold sarcasm made all her disguises disappear.

Realizing that she was not in the right mood and showed undue weakness, she quickly took a deep breath and forced back the pearly liquid in her eyes.

When she raised her eyes again, her eyes became clear again, and she said with a light smile, "Hehe, no matter how courageous I am, I can't compare to Mr. Rong's charm. You are surrounded by peach blossoms, can you not provoke me? Wouldn't it be better to let me go quietly?"

Her calmness was so flat that there was no ups and downs, and she couldn't hear any anger, as if she was talking about something unimportant.

Rong Jinbei clenched his fists so tightly that he almost crushed the woman's shoulder.

"What are you having a temper with? Or I can understand that you are jealous or jealous?"

He squinted his eyes and stared at her facial features, trying to find any traces of jealousy and anger on her face, but there was none.

Apart from indifference and indifference, there was no third emotion on her little face.

"Which eye of Mr. Rong sees me jealous? It's just that I've been bullied from morning to night, can't I just feel emotional?"

After all, she is a person with a temper, understands emotions and desires, and knows what is uncomfortable!

Rong Jinbei slowly lowered his noble head, every time he got closer, the already thin air around him was lowered by him.

Qin Yise almost held her breath, he let go of one hand, with clean and slender fingertips, raised her slender chin, and asked with a half-smile: "Aren't you jealous? Then you beat around the bush and said this, what do you want?" Express what?"

The dizzy street lights above the head scattered down, and the long shadows of the two overlapped together, like a hug and kiss between lovers.

(End of this chapter)

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