you are the love of my life

Chapter 129 Maybe I Met a Fake Woman

Chapter 129 Maybe I Met a Fake Woman
Qin Yise didn't answer, the intention of his question was too obvious, he took advantage of the loopholes in the words, trying to lure her into a trap.

If the answer is yes, he will definitely satisfy him immediately.

If you say no, it will definitely annoy him again.

So she just kept a posture quietly and didn't dare to move. The man on her body now is like a beast ready to go.

Rong Jinbei stared at her appearance, and smiled meaningfully, "Is the trick of playing hard to get fun? When you beg me, you are like a little sheep, wishing to confuse me, and then you will pretend to be crazy and foolish, and avoid me like a snake and a scorpion." , you women can really pretend!"

It is said that women are the most fickle creatures, and their minds are like needles in the sea, and they are right.

"Mr. Rong, you may have met a fake woman." Qin Yise justified herself.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Oh? When did you have the sex change operation? The effect is good, and it's all false."

"." Qin Yise's mouth twitched, and she looked at him with cold eyes.

Just when she thought the man in front of her would not let it go, his cold tone suddenly sounded again: "Since you don't want to, I won't force it. I said I won't force women. If you are tired, go and have a good rest. Next week I will I will arrange for you to go to the United States to reflect on yourself slowly!"

After Rong Jinbei finished speaking, he stood up, and the tall figure moved away from the sofa, and the oppressive feeling disappeared. Qin Yise sat up, and all he saw was his lonely figure.

She suddenly felt a little sour in her eyes, and this kind of grievance was a little inexplicable.

But the more I remind myself to be strong, the weaker tears flow down uncontrollably!
She returned to her bedroom, shook off those overwhelming thoughts, slammed the door, and locked it!
Gritting your teeth and persisting for a few more days, all bad things will pass, life will continue, and the sun will still rise.

Rong Jinbei went back to the study, turned on the computer, a crack was finally opened on his tense handsome face.

He always thought that he was a heartless, cold-blooded animal, but Qin Yise was docile at times, rebellious at other times, and his provocative appearance when arguing with him made him realize that his emotions would also have ups and downs...

The next morning.

Qin Yise changed into her OL business attire, with fresh and elegant makeup on her face, her hair loose on her shoulders, with a slightly inward button at the ends.

She didn't sleep well, and there were faint dark circles around her eyes. She used some foundation to cover them up, but it wasn't particularly obvious.

Just as he opened the door, he saw Rong Jinbei coming down the stairs.

The man is vigorous, wearing a black tailor-made Italian suit, a white shirt with the collar slightly open, and no tie.

There is a bit of casualness in the elegance, even if he is not dressed formally, it still does not damage his handsome and tall appearance.

Qin Yise thought that at work, she could not see her up and down, and he was still her boss. In the last few days, it would be better to get along with each other more harmoniously.

Although there was a bit of trouble last night, she pretended to be okay on the surface, turning the page and opening a new chapter.

There was a formulaic smile on her face, and her emotions brewed, she greeted in a sensible manner, "Mr. Rong, good morning."

Rong Jinbei only glanced at her indifferently, his eyes were as calm as a lake without the slightest ripple, he directly ignored her greeting, walked to the sofa and sat down, and turned on the remote control casually.

(End of this chapter)

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