you are the love of my life

Chapter 130 Found a Surprising Secret

Chapter 130 Found a Surprising Secret
The TV, which has not been used for a long time, is fixed on the financial channel as soon as it is turned on.

"Qin's Huibao Furniture Co., Ltd. is involved in a financial loss scandal. The former chairman, Qin Zhentian, is suspected of bribery and money laundering. He is currently being detained by relevant departments for investigation..."

Qin's news happened to be on the TV, those old-fashioned topics were hyped up and down all day long.

Rong Jinbei turned the station irritably, waiting for someone to make breakfast consciously.

There are no servants here, so he still has to do it himself, can't he have enough food and clothing?

Qin Yise thought that there seemed to be no ingredients in the refrigerator, and was about to ask him if he wanted to eat quick-frozen dumplings, when a similar report came on the morning news:
"Qin's stock price has plummeted for a week, and its value is only 30 cents, and it evaporates tens of millions every day. It is rumored that Rong Jinbei, the president of Rong's Group, holds [-]% of Qin's shares, and I am afraid that he will be implicated..."

The man calmly glanced at the woman beside him, and continued to switch channels.

He didn't seem to be worried at all about the negative news that would affect him. His handsome face was still indifferent, and he sat there dignifiedly, his whole body shrouded in the alienation that strangers should not enter.

Qin Yise couldn't help asking, "Does Qin's stock price affect you?"

She personally delivered the equity transfer letter to him!

It turned out that Xu Kexin knew that he was incapable of stabilizing the company's stock price, so he deliberately found someone to back him up.

What Rong Jinbei said was right, Qin's equity transfer letter was just a pile of waste paper in his eyes.

And she ridiculously took those worthless bargaining chips to negotiate with him!
Thinking about it is naive and ignorant.

The man on the sofa gave her a sideways glance, and said calmly, "You still know how to care about me? Why don't you worry more about yourself, no matter how difficult Qin's life is, it's something that the one with the most interests should worry about!"

On the other hand, it's a mockery that she didn't catch a hair, and she was ashamed to eat the waste oil and fuck Zhongnanhai's heart!
Rong Jinbei dropped the remote control, stood up indifferently, and walked directly towards the entrance.

After changing his shoes, he took the car keys and slammed the door out——

Qin Yise stared at his aloof back and disappeared outside the door. Suddenly, the whole apartment was empty, and she was the only one left. She froze in place. It took her a long time to come back to her senses. Is this man angry with her? ?
She muttered, "Who is it, really, a man is so small!"

Qin Yise angrily turned off the large-screen LCD TV, went to the balcony, only saw a small black spot, and drove out from the parking lot.

In the end, it completely disappeared from her sight.

She puffed her cheeks, let out a sullen breath slowly, and stared blankly at the direction where Rong Jinbei disappeared.

My heart is more and more conflicted. This man has countless bright spots on his body. When he is good, he can treat you like a mess!
When it was broken, it was pulled like two hundred and fifty, making people hate it, but there was nothing they could do about it!

Qin Yise turned around and walked towards the kitchen, took some ingredients from the refrigerator, cooked some dumplings, and a glass of milk.

She didn't really have much appetite, but she still forced herself to eat a little.

The body is your own!

After packing up the dishes, she was about to go out. When she passed the stairs, she glanced upstairs curiously.

Rong Jinbei didn't allow her to take half a step upstairs, she just wanted to see what kind of shady secret was hidden there.

Qin Yise thought for a while, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Her job was to be his personal assistant in work and life, so it was reasonable to go up and help him clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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