you are the love of my life

Chapter 131 Not so easy to bully

Chapter 131 Not so easy to bully
She pushed open the door of Rong Jinbei's bedroom, twisted the handle a few times, and found that it was locked.

Qin Yise frowned, feeling more and more that there must be some ulterior secret about him, so she simply turned around and went to the study.

The documents on the desktop are tidy, and there is no trace of him having done business here.

Even the sofa and the trash can were clean, except for a few stubbed cigarette butts in the ashtray.

And the Austrian crystal glass next to the computer is no longer filled with coffee and red wine, but half a glass of boiled water.
It is said that the details can reveal a person's character, and it is rare for ordinary men to be so clean, let alone a big president who manages a lot of things every day, who can take care of his life in such an orderly manner in his spare time!
The books on the bookshelves are all neatly sorted and listed in various areas.

Qin Yise walked over, opened the drawer and rummaged through the documents, she didn't know what she was looking for.

But there is always a voice in her heart, telling her that no matter how tight this man is, he will definitely leave clues!

She found a proposal in a blue case at the bottom of the drawer.

It is about the plan to acquire a certain overseas short-selling company, and the profit amount is as high as more than 30 billion!
Qin Yise seemed to understand something in an instant. Rong Jinbei bought this company behind his back, and on the surface it helped the Qin family, but in fact it was just a trick to cover people's eyes.

Just, why would he do this?

Qin Yise didn't have time to think about it, so she took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the content of the proposal, and saved it in the mobile phone.

She immediately put the things back, turned and left, closed the study door again, and went to the company with a heavy heart.

Someone once told her that Rong Jinbei had a safe, which was full of commercial secrets, priceless, and he never left the key.

Must have been locked in the master bedroom.

Qin Yise felt as if something had stabbed her heart hard, she didn't dare to guess how terrifying this man's dark side was.

She stepped out of the elevator absent-mindedly, and suddenly there was a smell of perfume from her nose. She raised her eyes, and Qiao Man was standing in front of her in a dress of a luxury brand, with heavy makeup.

Sexy red lips were raised slightly, her coat was casually draped over her shoulders, a large area of ​​skin was exposed on her neck, her explosive figure was curvy, and her powerful aura showed that the visitor was not friendly.

"Miss Qiao, what's the matter?" Qin Yise responded quickly, without rushing over, her tone was very calm.

Qiao Man took off her sunglasses, looked at her contemptuously, and couldn't help but sneered from her red lips: "Secretary Qin, you are just an ordinary employee, and you are not qualified to talk to me like that."

As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly raised her arms, and quickly greeted Qin Yise's face, "Since you don't know the rules, I will teach you for Brother Jin Bei!"

Qin Yise couldn't dodge in time, so she was slapped abruptly.

She covered her sore cheek with one hand, tilted her head angrily, and looked at the arrogant woman in front of her: "Qiao Man, put away your airs of Miss Qianjin, my face was not born for you to slap me."

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, without even thinking about it, she slapped her back with her backhand.

Revenge for revenge, revenge for resentment!
The speed with which she moved surprised the woman in front of her.

Qiao Man didn't expect that she would dare to fight back. She stared at her fiercely and shouted, "Bitch, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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