you are the love of my life

Chapter 140 The nature is exposed, this is the real her

Chapter 140 The nature is exposed, this is the real her

As soon as Lisa opened her mouth, Qin Yise stretched out her hand and tore the corner of her mouth forcefully. It would be best to tear it apart!
Her palms were numb, and Lisa's pretty cheeks were also swollen. Now that she was pulling and pulling, she was in so much pain that she was dripping with cold sweat, but she could only grit her teeth and stare at Qin Yise, not daring to stop. I uttered half a word.

In the end, the people next to them separated the two of them, and the battlefield was calmed down.

Qin Yise had no expression on her face, and stared at them indifferently, "I don't like to scold people, but it doesn't mean that I like to be scolded by others. Today, you forced me to take action, to teach the dirty-mouthed and uneducated wild woman a lesson. Happy to accompany you!"

After she finished speaking, her eyes swept over the crowd, and finally fell on Lisa's almost disfigured face, her eyebrows were inadvertently frowned, and disgust flashed from the bottom of her eyes.

It was like beating her and dirtying my hands!
Her posture was undoubtedly provocative. Lisa was not convinced, and wanted to get back all the losses she had suffered, but was stopped by the team leader beside her...

The secretary's team leader's eyes under the lens narrowed and smiled, with a light of wisdom, she is such a smart person, since the two started to quarrel, she has been far away from her.

Let yourself quickly disassociate yourself from the whole matter, and then wait until the heat is about the same, put on a peacemaker posture, and persuade with a smile on your face: "Secretary Qin, you are Mr. Rong's personal secretary after all, and you have an unusual position. Is it appropriate to do this kind of thing in front of others? Hitting someone for a disagreement, being ridiculed by others is a trivial matter, and losing the company's face is a serious matter! If the president blames..."

"If you blame it, blame it. If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow being crooked. I just want to see, who dares to chew their tongues behind their backs?" Qin Yise snorted softly.

People who have resentment in their hearts just dare not speak out.

If she really provokes Rong Jinbei, everyone will be in bad luck!

The head of the secretary took a small step forward, patted her on the shoulder, and said familiarly: "Secretary Qin, this is the company, not a place for you to show your prestige."

Then she smiled, and added tacitly to the people inside and outside the door, "It's time to get off work, let's go, those who should work overtime, those who should go on a date, don't get stuck here, waste Company resources!"

Qin Yise's endurance is very strong, but when she doesn't want to bear it, no one can pinch her as a soft persimmon.

If a tiger doesn't show its power, even if it's paper, it can't be a sick cat!

She raised her chin, and the onlookers gradually dispersed. The secretaries were also busy, and a small part of them were getting ready to leave work.

Qin Yise's aura easily overwhelmed everyone present: "Team leader, you must keep your eyes open when looking at people in the future. You are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. Otherwise, you will have bad eyesight and be tricked to death by your teammates." I don’t even know how I died.”

"Qin Yise, who are you calling a pig?" Lisa took her seat and pointed at her, as if she wanted to care about the end, otherwise she would not give up.

"I'm really sorry, I was so unrestrained just now, it seems that comparing some people with pigs is an insult to the pig's IQ, I'm sorry!" Qin Yise waved a thousand catties, and smiled modestly and politely.

When the theatergoers heard this, they almost burst out laughing, but Lisa and the team leader's faces turned green and pale, which was very ugly.

"Qin Yise, you are a bitch at best, what's so proud of a lost dog?!" She scolded through gnashing of teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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