you are the love of my life

Chapter 141 Solving problems requires brains

Chapter 141 Solving problems requires brains
The bankruptcy of the Qin family is a topic that everyone loves to talk about!

Qin Yise has long been used to all kinds of sneering and sarcastic voices, but some people are so stupid that they like to slap their tongues. She said perfectly: "It turns out that people with brain damage are so unqualified when they talk. Their IQ is so touching. Maybe they were born I cast the wrong tire at the time..."

They thought she was a bereaved dog, but in her eyes, they were worse than animals.

In a word, successfully blocked everyone's mouths!

Backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, her position is an absolute advantage.

She will pull out the claws and claws of anyone who provokes her, and she will be there at any time.

By the time Ling Tuo heard the whole floor discussing the news, it was already past the off-duty time.

He turned on the surveillance camera in the secretary's room, smacked his lips, the picture was so beautiful that he dared not look at it, but he wondered whether he should report this to the young master?
Unexpectedly, the next second, Rong Jinbei, who came out of the CEO's office, saw Ling Tuo standing in the corridor with a tablet in his hand, and the video content was exactly someone's quarrel scene.

He stretched out his hand and snatched the tablet, a strangeness flashed in his dark eyes.

Qin Yise's words and deeds, every subtle expression change, all melted into his bottomless pupils.

He lazily glanced at the silly tricks in the picture, but he had to admit that watching his little secretary fight with each other was also a kind of enjoyment!
It's rare for Qin Yise to shine so brilliantly that she doesn't hold her back. Doesn't she like to pretend?
Be a cute and pitiful little white rabbit, swallow your breath and tolerate all malicious slander!

It turns out that she also has a restricted area and a bottom line that others cannot touch. As long as her vitals are stabbed, she will stretch out her sharp claws and tear the opponent to pieces.

He admired her character very much, and every part of her was like a mystery, which made him more and more interested in dissecting her with his own hands.

Ling Tuo looked at the curved smile on the young master's lips, and couldn't help admiring, "Miss Qin is really amazing. With so many enemies, she can still win such a beauty!"

Rong Jinbei threw the tablet back to him, and gave him a serious look with his deep eyes, "What is this, it's just an appetizer!"

To deal with a few rookies, why use all your strength, even more powerful fangs, to bite off a few pieces of your meat without blinking your eyes, that's called ruthlessness.

He likes to protect her and let her walk sideways in his own world. When the sky falls, he will support her. That desire to protect makes Rong Jinbei very satisfied.

Secretary's room.

Lisa was so annoyed that she wanted to hit someone. She wanted to return those slaps all the time, but was finally stopped by the team leader, "Be patient for a while, it's calm."

It's not worth fighting for this kind of woman, and they will be the only ones who will be fired instead.

President Rong's protection of Qin Yise is obvious to all!

Qin Yise ignored their resentful thoughts, packed her things, picked up her backpack and walked out of the office.

She took the elevator directly to the first floor, out of the resplendent skyscraper.

Coming out of the air-conditioned room temperature, the cold wind blows, and the whole heart is three points cold immediately.

Can't help thinking of the pain of being forced to have sex under Rong Jinbei just now, it seems that there are hundreds of holes in my heart, bleeding from the pain.

No matter how bad the situation she faced, she could keep her original intention, but this time it was like falling into the abyss, and the feeling of darkness swallowing her was frightening.

After she got off work, Lisa kicked her office chair angrily, looking at the empty seat, everyone said unbalancedly in her heart: "Just let that bitch go like this, it's too cheap for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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