you are the love of my life

Chapter 142 Send Her To A Good Place

Chapter 142 Send Her To A Good Place

The head of the secretary pursed his lips and smiled: "Calm down, she won't be complacent for too long, just wait and see the good show."

"Does the team leader have any countermeasures to put Qin Yise to death?" Lisa squinted her eyes and asked excitedly.

The team leader nodded inscrutablely, "It is not fists that deal with stumbling blocks, but brains..."

After she finished her pun, she immediately called Qiao Man.

The connection over there was quickly connected, and the team leader lowered his voice and said, "Miss Qiao, everything is within your expectations!"

"Very good, Team Leader Shu, I won't treat you badly."


Qin Yise wanted to take the bus back to Xinhai City, but there were too many people on the platform, she suddenly felt sleepy, and couldn't lift her eyelids.

Just when a taxi drove by, Qin Yise didn't think too much about it, she just waved and got into the taxi.

Sitting in the back seat, she leaned her head against the window, feeling fainted, closed her eyes tiredly, and said weakly: "Master, please go to Xinhai City, thank you!"

The driver was driving the car and saw that Qin Yise was in a deep sleep, almost unable to wake up.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the last contact: "Miss Qiao, this woman is already in a coma. In my car, it seems that the dosage of sleeping pills has begun to take effect, and she will sleep for at least three hours. Next time How to do it?"

"Send her to the Yihe Hotel, and I'll arrange someone to wait for you there."

"it is good."

After 15 minutes, the taxi stopped at the entrance of Yihe Hotel.

Qiao Man waited for a long time with two bodyguards, looked at Qin Yise lying in the car, and coldly ordered, "Help her into the room!"

The taxi driver glanced at the back, quickly picked up the phone that fell under the seat, and handed it to the woman outside the car door, "Miss Qiao, this is her phone."

Qiao Man took Qin Yise's cell phone, took out a thick stack of hundred yuan bills from her wallet, and handed it to the driver: "This is your reward, remember, disappear immediately, and don't appear in City C again."

"Yes, yes, thank you Miss Qiao."

The driver didn't want to cause trouble. He was a reform-through-labour prisoner with a criminal record, so he drove away quickly.

Qiao Man stared at the pink phone in front of her with a fierce look in her eyes.

She changed Qin Yise's card to her mobile phone, and edited a text message to Rong Jinbei: "Mr. Rong, I will wait for you tonight in Room 3028 of the Yihe Hotel. Come quickly, about my father." , I want to discuss with you, please come alone, don't bring your subordinates, because I don't want others to find out about our relationship!"

Just as Rong Jinbei finished replying to the last email, the phone screen on the table lit up.

He had a dinner at seven o'clock, and it was only 06:30. Looking at the content of the text message, Jun frowned, and a doubt flashed in his wise eyes.

"Is Secretary Qin off work?" Rong Jinbei dialed Ling Tuo's number and asked lightly, but the more he thought about it, the more strange he became, his eyes scanned the text message repeatedly, and finally Ling Tuo replied: " Yes, young master, Miss Qin left work an hour ago. "

Rong Jinbei fell off the landline, immediately picked up the car key and went out, calling Qin Yise's number back and forth.

He called several times, but no one answered, but when he was about to lose patience, he got connected suddenly, and there was a strange moaning sound from inside——

What a vigilant person Rong Jinbei is, this crisp and soft voice made his whole nerves tense up!
(End of this chapter)

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