you are the love of my life

Chapter 158 Improvisation

Chapter 158 Improvisation

This damn woman, is it so difficult to bow your head and admit your mistake?
As long as you lower your posture and beg him to let him calm down, he can let go of the hotel's affairs!

But she will only make things difficult for him.

Qin Yise plucked up her courage and was about to speak, but she didn't say a word when Rong Jinbei's tall and straight figure had already passed her and walked straight down the stairs.

He took great strides, just as Qiao Man stepped into the gate under the leadership of the housekeeper, her eyes almost instinctively stuck to Rong Jinbei.

The man walked towards him step by step like an emperor, she looked up her delicate face, her eyes were full of admiration, inadvertently, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Qin Yise's inconspicuous figure in the corridor on the second floor.

Qiao Man hooked her lips, and like a butterfly, she ran forward a few steps lightly, came to the man's side, held his arm intimately, and called out delicately: "Brother Jin Bei..."

When Qin Yise heard the deep voice, there was no emotion on her face, as if she was watching an impromptu performance, she glanced down indifferently.

Unexpectedly, Miss Qiao looked at her deliberately provocatively, and then she smiled like a flower and acted like a baby to the man beside her, "The banquet hosted by Grandpa is about to start, why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

A woman like her can really change her face faster than the sky!
Qin Yise snorted and smiled, not interested in staying and listening to their show of affection.

Rong Jinbei pulled Qiao Man's hand away, and Hao pushed her away forcefully, without looking at her, his tone was indifferent and distant: "Of course I want to attend your grandpa's banquet, but it's not convenient for me to bring a female companion now!"

"It's okay, I can play this scene with you." Qiao Man raised her head, and the Shiluohua crystal chandelier illuminated the brilliance in her eyes.

She knew that Brother Jin Bei didn't want to be involved in scandals, and he didn't want to talk about his children's affair, but he couldn't find a suitable person to use as an excuse to cover up.

Rong Jin Bei just wanted to refuse, but on second thought, he gave up.

He turned around, glanced at the back of Qin Yise walking away on the second floor, clenched his fingers, and it took a long time to say a word from his thin lips: "Okay."

It is far more difficult to accept someone from the heart than to reject them.

When Qiao Man heard his answer, she almost jumped up for joy. Tonight's banquet was prepared entirely by Grandpa for her return to China.

Brother Jin Bei can agree to be his girlfriend, after tonight, the whole circle will know that she is his real girlfriend!
Qiao Man was overjoyed for a moment, and happily put her arms around his neck and said, "I will let everyone know that you are the most important person in Grandpa, and anyone who is against you is against the entire Qiao family, let alone the Rong family." Those uncles, don't covet your position."

After finishing speaking, she immediately let go of her hand tactfully, and turned around in a circle.

Acting like a baby should be done in moderation, she knows this measure best.

Rong Jinbei pursed his thin lips, and casually patted the place Qiao Man touched, as if there was something dirty on it.

He pursed his lips, and curled up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "Manman, I only went to your grandpa's banquet because of his old man's face. I hope you can figure out your position and don't cause trouble! "

"I know, I always listen to you the most, as long as Brother Jin Bei doesn't like it, I will never do it." Qiao Man put on a silly smile.

When she looked up again, Qin Yise's figure in the corridor on the second floor had disappeared.

"Wait here for me. I'll go change my clothes and tell Mrs. Chen what I want to drink." He gave a light order, then turned around and left.

Qiao Man nodded obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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