you are the love of my life

Chapter 159 Watching You Show Your Love

Chapter 159 Watching You Show Your Love
Rong Jinbei turned around and walked towards the cloakroom, with every step he took, his expression became more and more serious.

The housekeeper cautiously followed behind him, feeling a little uneasy: "Master, what does Miss Qiao mean by this? She wants to use the status of the old chief to suppress you? Do you want her to be your girlfriend by default?"

Rong Jinbei stood in front of a row of shop windows, wearing a tie, and smiled ironically at the corner of his mouth: "Obviously, Mr. Qiao knows that I hate attending this kind of blind date party the most. He wants to draw a red line and let me accept his granddaughter. This kind of marriage between business and government is not only mutually beneficial, but also restraining, and the temptation and benefits are great, but it is in line with the old saying, you can't bear children, you can't catch wolves!"

The butler is embarrassed, young master, how can you compare yourself to a wolf.

It's too low-grade, you are clearly a tiger and a beast, okay...

The slender figure of the man stood in front of the full-length mirror. He casually unbuttoned the buttons with his fingers. A few muscles were exposed on his lean chest. He had an inverted triangle golden ratio figure without a trace of fat.

Holding a suit and shirt, the butler stood respectfully behind, bent his back and said cautiously: "Master, don't you really want to refuse? If you offend Mr. Qiao at this time, and the situation of the Rong family is not stable, the royal family on the board of directors The relatives of the state are not convinced by you, if you take the opportunity to create trouble, the hard work of the past three years may all be in vain!"

Alas, what a dilemma.

Commander Qiao just grasped this point and wanted to win over Rong.

He has cultivated his contacts and cronies in both the military and the political arena, but he can't do anything in finance.

Who doesn't want to be rich and powerful?
Even climbing to unmatched heights, greed and ambition are indispensable.

The young master injected 70 billion into the Qin family, and lost everything, which has attracted widespread attention.

Now he keeps Qin Yise by his side as his personal secretary, which makes it even more difficult for those who want to win him over.

Looking at the expressionless facial features in the mirror, Rong Jinbei just sneered, "What he wants, I will do as he wishes, but what I want, can a woman satisfy?"

The butler bowed his head, not daring to say any more.

As for the young master's personal feelings, as a servant, he is not qualified to discuss.

"Prepare a suit for Secretary Qin. As a personal assistant, how could she be missing on such an important occasion!"


Qin Yise had just returned to her room, took a shower, and was about to rest, but was told that she would accompany Rong Jinbei to the banquet.

She felt that the good mood of taking a bath just now fed the dog instantly!

Annoyed, she changed into the dress, the zipper at the back was difficult for her alone, her hands were not long enough, and when she was worrying, the door was pushed open, and the man stood at the door, but did not come in: "Are you ready?"

What a ghost!
Could it be that the long eyes are for the sake of looking good, and such beautiful pupils were blinded in vain.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows and looked at her smooth and fair back, which was exposed in the air. It seemed that he had no intention of going to help, but leaned against the door and teased: "Secretary Qin wants to seduce me by changing her clothes? Don't tell me, Saying that the zipper is stuck is a poor excuse!"

Qin Yise was speechless, the corners of her mouth twitched, her eyebrows were tightly knit into a ball.

"Why, you don't know how to wear this dress? It takes so long to get it done."

"Rong Shao's tall dress, I, a country bumpkin, really don't deserve it, I'm really sorry, if you go, you'll only lose face."

Rong Jinbei almost wanted to laugh when he was retorted by her angry sarcasm, as if his anger was instantly disintegrated by her sudden cute appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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