you are the love of my life

Chapter 185 Don't be too greedy

Chapter 185 Don't be too greedy

Rong Jinbei stood up straight, and presented himself lazily and noblely in front of Qin Yise, as if deliberately showing off his golden ratio figure.

He squinted at her with condescending eyes, Qin Yise glanced at him inadvertently, her hands under the quilt trembling unconsciously!
Stop, stop, she must be crazy.

What's going on in your head.

Girls should be reserved, do you understand?

Why does she think that he is very handsome tonight?

Not only men like to look at beautiful women, it turns out that women also like to look at handsome guys!
She coughed twice in embarrassment, concealing the emotion in her eyes, her eyes shifted unnaturally, she cleared her throat and said:

"Mr. Rong should hurry up and get down to business. You are the living sign of the company. To Rong, reputation is more important than everything else. If the stock market fluctuates because of what happened tonight, it will not be worth the loss. After all, Ms. Qiao is the host of the banquet." The heroine, she must have a way to smooth things over for you, and I, before you come back, will perform to your satisfaction." Qin Yise said with a smile on her face.

Her gaze fell on the iron cage calmly, as if she had made a lot of determination, even if she made a compromise, as long as it could calm his anger, it would be worth it.

A hero who doesn't suffer from immediate losses is just getting into a cage, what's so great about it!
Rong Jinbei looked at her wantonly and mockingly, put on home clothes on his lean body, and before leaving the bedroom with long legs, he said coldly: "Very well, since you like to make yourself inferior, then I will help you." you!"

After he finished speaking in an indifferent voice without any emotion, he opened the door and walked out.

Qiaoman's unique charming voice quickly came from outside: "Brother Jin Bei, it turns out that you are taking a bath. I said why the butler has been dawdling for so long. I have something important to tell you, but no one answered your phone. .”

Is there no answer?

She insinuated that Qin Yise was not human anymore.

The corner of Rong Jinbei's lips twitched, and he asked as he walked, "What's the matter, I can't talk about it tomorrow, and you're making you come here so late?"

His voice was a little cold, and he walked directly to the study without even looking at the woman beside him.

Qiao Man followed closely behind, not minding his indifferent attitude, she was even used to it: "It's not about the banquet tonight, how could you go to war with Gu Xiaosheng for a little secretary, he is from the Jin family Man, I have already asked Grandpa to deal with it, and it should be fine, but it is a pity that a good banquet today was messed up, how can you make it up to me?"

It was her grandfather again, moving out the old chief to put pressure on him. He really owed the Qiao family more and more, and he was about to pay it off!
"What compensation do you want?" Rong Jinbei smiled sarcastically, curling his lips.

He sat in front of the computer desk, fixed his eyes on the screen, looked at the mountain of mails, and responded casually.

Qiao Man raised the corners of her lips proudly, smiled, and asked mysteriously, "Can you do whatever you want?"

"Of course not. Greed is the most taboo thing in life." Rong Jinbei held the mouse with one hand, paused, and slowly shifted his eyes to her: "But as long as I can give, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Qiao Man looked at him firmly: "Really? Then can I ask you to..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Rong Jinbei's deep voice, his handsome eyebrows raised slightly, and the corner of his mouth smiled inscrutablely, "You want me?"

(End of this chapter)

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