you are the love of my life

Chapter 186 You Are Too Conscious

Chapter 186 You Are Too Conscious
"No, brother Jin Bei, don't get me wrong, it's only for one night, I..." Qiao Man hesitated and couldn't explain clearly.

She swallowed, and it took her a long time to summon up the courage to continue, "We've known each other for so long, and we've been childhood sweethearts since we were young. Don't you have any feelings for me?"

Facing the one you love, you can't get what you want, how many people can not be greedy?

Just let her be greedy for once, even if there is Qin Yise's thorn lying in the middle, she doesn't care and just wants to have a good night.

Rong Jinbei's eyes darkened slightly: "Manman, you know what I hate the most. I will never be bound by a family marriage in my life, so no matter who I touch, I will never touch you. If you die, I will never touch you." Be careful! Don’t be obsessed with it anymore, you can find a better home.”

He never gave her any extravagant expectations, even if there was a little misunderstanding, he would mercilessly make it clear, and even made her die of this desire to find a bankrupt lady with the worst conditions, and would not choose her This proud daughter of heaven.

Qiao Man's eyes were full of jealousy and unwillingness: "I am not as good as that woman, you tell me, can I change it?"

Rong Jinbei felt in his heart that love depends on feelings, if you agree, you will get together, if you don't agree, you will separate, there is no way to compare, and if you can be compared, you must not really like it.

"It's late, I'll ask the driver to take you back!" He didn't want to talk more.

"No, I want to stay here for one night. Your castle is so big, can't even this small request satisfy me?" Qiao Man held his arm tightly, her voice almost pleading.

Rong Jinbei felt that such conditions were not too much, so he didn't say much, but turned his head indifferently: "You can choose the guest rooms on the first floor yourself, and live in whichever you like. As for the second floor, there is no room for me. Allowed, no more trespassing!"

A look of gloom flashed across Qiao Man's eyes, but she still pretended to be happy and kissed him on the face, "Thank you, Brother Jin Bei, as long as I can get closer to you, even if I don't do anything, I will be satisfied."

Although she said such hypocritical words, she herself was disgusting.

But on the road of chasing the man she loves, she has always been proactive and passionate.

Twitchy is not in line with her style at all!
Seeing that he still had work to do, Qiao Man withdrew and gently closed the door of the study.

She took a deep breath and walked on the expensive carpet, except for the luxurious retro wall lamp hanging on the wall, emitting a faint light, she didn't see a single figure.

With so many suites, she doesn't know which one Qin Yise lives in, but don't worry, there will be a long time ahead, and there will be plenty of time to drive that bitch out!

Only her status as the dignified Miss of the Qiao family is worthy of being the mistress of this castle.
in the master bedroom.

Qin Yise exhausted all her life's shame to get into that iron cage, the space was limited, she had to bend her body and shrink into a ball to barely sit in.

It's no wonder that so many underground auctions like to put women in cages and clearly mark their prices as commodities. This is really a bad taste!

Qin Yise secretly gritted her teeth, angry with herself, but in a state of entanglement and depression, unable to hold back the drowsiness, she gently closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Rong Jinbei handled the mail efficiently in the study room. He had a difficult project, and he had to go on a business trip to the United States to solve it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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