you are the love of my life

Chapter 187 Acting must be realistic 1 point

Chapter 187 Acting Be More Realistic

He planned to take a certain woman to Las Vegas to get a certificate, but after so many changes, his original intention gradually deviated from the track, and he was no longer the same impulsive force that he had at the beginning!
After processing the emails, calm down, and in a flash, the sky is almost dawn.

Rong Jinbei stretched his muscles and bones, returned to the master bedroom, and was about to wash up. He just opened the door and looked up. Seeing the woman in the cage who was sleeping in an uncomfortable position, his sharp black eyes froze.

His eyes fell on her little white feet, thinking that she had slept in this position all night, his brows immediately frowned, "Who told you to sleep in it? Your brain is flooded?"

Hearing the roar, Qin Yise opened her eyes sleepily, like a frightened deer, patted her chest in panic and said, "President Rongda, I have a bad heart, you want to scare me to death!"

Rong Jinbei walked over with a sullen face, and looked down at her condescendingly: "You are really an outlier. You don't sleep in a good bed, but you want to sleep in a cage."

This woman broke his lower limit repeatedly, and the words of blame came out of his mouth, but there was an imperceptible pity.

His eyes were extremely deep. Qin Yise raised her eyes and met his stern facial features. There was a little tiredness in her sleepy eyes, and her eyes flickered involuntarily.

"Is it really that good to sleep?"

"What?" Qin Yise reacted a little too late, a little confused.

Rong Jinbei pointed at the cage with his finger, slightly pursed his lips, and suddenly turned around and took out a lock from the drawer of the bedside table, "If you want to act, you should act more realistically, so that you can appear full of sincerity. Suffer in vain?"

He locked the cage, shaking the key in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up in interest, as if sizing up his prey.

Qin Yise's eyes widened, a little unbelievable: "I didn't do this because I hope you can calm down, stop making trouble, and give me the key!"

She froze for a few seconds before reaching out to grab it.

Seeing the flustered look on her face, Rong Jinbei gently unfolded his brows and eyes, revealing a smile, charming and flamboyant: "You like to play so much, of course I will accompany you to the end."

In his eyes, she was completely like a child, with a childlike innocence, just like back then.

Qin Yise couldn't grab the key, grabbed the iron rail with both hands, bit her lips tightly, and retorted dissatisfiedly: "Who said I was joking with you, I am clearly following your orders seriously, and now I will punish you Okay, enough should be enough, right?"

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei's wise eyes suddenly turned cold, and locked her firmly. Qin Yise realized that she had said something wrong, and for a moment she was so nervous that she even forgot to breathe.

In the man's dark eyes, there was a playful light, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, showing a very shallow smile: "When did I say that I would punish you in this way, I am more willing to punish you than abuse!"

His tone was ambiguous and his eyes were frivolous. Qin Yise realized that she had been played by his majestic illusion, and she was so angry that she clenched her fist fiercely and wanted to swing it towards his face, but unfortunately her movements were limited, so she could only Neng stared at him fiercely: "How could you be such a pervert."

"You want to meet a real pervert?"

Rong Jinbei sneered and asked casually.

Qin Yise took a few deep breaths and looked at him calmly: "Tell me, what else do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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