you are the love of my life

Chapter 205 Who wants you to save

Chapter 205 Who wants you to save
After finishing all this, a man wearing a black earphone nodded at his gun-wielding subordinate, his eyes full of complex meaning, and the latter immediately understood and found a place to lurk.

Afterwards, the man's eyes moved to Qin Yise's face. A few meters away, he said in a sinister voice, "What should I do in a while, Miss Qin should know by heart? If you dare to play tricks, bullets don't have eyes, and when the time comes But not only the entire Qin family is on your back, but also the life of President Rong Da is in your hands, so make up your own mind."

Qin Yise's face was pale without a trace of blood, and the wound on the corner of her mouth had already dried up.

She grinned, and immediately pulled the sore spot again. Bright blood dripped on her white collar, which was shockingly red.

Rong Jinbei, why do you want me to owe you so much!
Why do you want to control me and let me disappear quietly, isn't it good?
Ever since her mother died, no one has cared about her life, but this man, why should he meddle in his own business!

She doesn't know what is good or bad, willful and reckless, with shortcomings, arrogance and arrogance, and countless stinking problems, why would he save such a woman?
The more she thought about it, the more Qin Yise couldn't hold back her tears, she clenched her teeth and her shoulders twitched violently.

Rong Jinbei drove the sports car into the warehouse, and the rolled iron door tires were shaken to the point that a few pieces of cement slag fell off.

The car door opened, and his slender legs wrapped in trousers stepped down first, his noble and cold aura carried a death-like chill.

His cold sharp eyes swept across the first basement floor. He was wearing a business suit with the buttons unbuttoned casually, with his hands in his pockets, and there was no wave on his face.

It's not like coming to save people, but more like talking about business.

No matter in terms of aura or demeanor, no one can match it.

"Mr. Rong is indeed different from ordinary people. He is so calm, we are simply amazed. Please come inside!"

The man in black with the gun slowly walked into Rong Jinbei's line of sight, saw that he was empty-handed and dared to rush in to save people alone, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Since you know I'm coming, why don't you hurry up and hand her over?" The frozen voice made people shudder.

"What's the rush, Mr. Rong will be able to see your little beauty soon, but it's a pity that the mythical group you created will end today and become history!"

The man laughed provocatively, turned and walked to the other side.

Rong Jinbei followed behind, his sharp eyes quickly discovered the hidden danger in the dark.

A few mercenaries, and killers on the underworld, all three religions dared to fight in front of him.

He deliberately pretended not to be ignorant of the murderous threats around him, and walked leisurely forward...

Seeing him so relaxed, the man in black didn't seem to take them seriously at all. A kind of humiliated anger surged up, he stopped suddenly, and said fiercely provocatively: "President Rong, bullets don't have eyes, be careful! Tap the path under your feet."

"Oh, is that so?" Rong Jinbei sneered, "Then I really want to thank you!"

The man knew that what he said was ironic, so he glanced displeasedly, turned his head and continued to move forward.

"Miss Qin is tied to the middle pillar on the second floor, you have to be mentally prepared!"

After finishing speaking, the man went straight up the steps. There were a lot of steel bars exposed on the rough stairs, and the dust splashed on the black trouser legs as he walked.

Rong Jinbei was wearing a high-end handmade suit, and the trousers and leather shoes were covered with a layer of white lime, just like a perfect landscape painting, stained and flawed.

(End of this chapter)

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