Chapter 206 Hurtful Irony

Stepping up to the last step, as expected, he saw a woman covered in injuries and in a state of distress.

Qin Yise's clothes were covered with dust, the corners of her mouth were swollen, her face was covered with blood, and her face was beyond recognition.

Heartache and anger hovered in Rong Jinbei's heart, his breathing seemed to be strangled by something, he was only one step away from losing control, and he would pull out his gun and shoot all these bastards who abused her to death!

Rong Jinbei's hands in his trouser pockets were clenched into fists, his eyes passed Qin Yise's body without a trace, and finally saw the mottled blood on the ground, and his brows frowned fiercely.

Qin Yise suddenly raised her head as if she had sensed it, and widened her eyes leisurely. In her misty vision, she vaguely saw Rong Jinbei's figure walking towards her.

He still came, so desperate to save her.

Qin Yise closed her eyes in despair, as if tears were falling.

Immediately, she pursed her lips and laughed ironically, "Isn't Mr. Rong on a business trip in the United States? Why did you come all the way here to join in the fun and want to be a hero to save the beauty? Hehe, the relationship between you and I seems to have no relationship." So be close, there is no shortage of women around you, please get out, I don't want to see your disgusting face before I die!"

That tone sounded like he hated him.

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei's eyes gradually turned cold, his eyes locked on her firmly, never moving away for a moment, his footsteps stopped a few meters away, just staring at her.

The gunman hiding in the dark had already aimed his bullets at the heads of the two of them, ready to avenge his master at any time.

The incomparable evil charm on Rong Jinbei's face was extremely arrogant. Hearing Qin Yise's voice of wanting to be beaten, he suddenly laughed out loud, looked down at the little face in front of him, and snorted displeasedly:
"Qin Yise, I'm here, what are you afraid of? Is my identity not conspicuous enough, or my plane is not impressive enough, are you deaf, are you so cowardly in front of a few hooligans?"

"Crazy, I can't communicate with abnormal humans like you!" She replied indifferently without giving him any face.

She knew that he was confident, but she couldn't afford to bet that he would risk his life to die with her.

"Aren't you usually very courageous?"

Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth and glared at her. He really wanted to take out the gun in his waist and shoot her to pieces to see what was going on in this woman's head.

Qin Yise was so blocked that she was speechless, she was not in the mood to argue with him at this time, she just hoped that he would stop thinking about it and leave quickly.

The man in black seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the name "little bastard", laughed sarcastically, and continued: "It seems that Mr. Rong's kindness is about to be regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs. Miss Qin's attitude is really bad, no I know what you like about her!"

"I don't like her. Is it your turn to meddle in her business?"

Rong Jinbei glanced arrogantly at the talkative man, his eyes full of warning.

Qin Yise didn't cooperate with his domineering, and said while tearing down the steps, "Huh, it's a pity that Mr. Rong is so good, I don't have the good fortune to bear it. When I had sex with other men, didn't you say that I didn't think about it at all?" How do you feel?"

She smiled coldly at the corner of her mouth, slowly met Rong Jinbei's gaze, and said decisively: "Is Mr. Rong wearing a cuckold and becoming addicted to it? That's why you are so reluctant to part with me?"

Qin Yise endured the pain from the wound on her mouth, every word, ruthlessly like a sharp sword, stabbed straight at his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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