you are the love of my life

Chapter 208 It's all about fooling

Chapter 208 It's all about fooling
A group of rabble, if it weren't for this group of women in their hands, why would he waste his tongue and deal with them for so long.

The munitions on the plane can raze this place to the ground in minutes, and no one can get out alive!

"Mr. Rong, it seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine!"

This man is different from the two gangsters before. Those two gangsters are completely outlaws. They only talk about loyalty in the world and are not moved by money.

But the leader in front of him, who was similar to a bodyguard, was completely useless.

Rong Jinbei didn't bother to listen to his bluff. Apart from threatening and intimidating and taking advantage of his lips, he didn't take any substantive actions at all.

He unexpectedly fired a few shots at the ceiling, the cement slag fell down one after another, and the whole unfinished building seemed to be shaking.

It was the first time Qin Yise heard gunshots, her eyes widened immediately, she froze in place, and it took several seconds before she came back to her senses.

Although she has a righteous and brave face that is not afraid of death, but the taste of waiting for death is really easy, and a little movement can make people collapse!
Rong Jinbei replied leisurely word by word: "I have limited patience, next time these bullets will surely penetrate your brain."

The man frowned, dissatisfied with his arrogant attitude: "I advise Mr. Rong to take it easy, it's not fun to shoot a gun, and if you kill me, this woman will not even want to live."

Rong Jinbei suddenly sneered, "I don't care whether she lives or dies. Anyway, life is mine and death is mine. It's a pity for you to give up a chance to become the president for no reason."

After he finished speaking, he blew on the black tip of the gun, and his slender fingers gracefully wiped off the dust on his body. The neat suit was a bit out of tune with the mess around him.

The man obviously hesitated when he heard the word president, who would choose to be a running dog instead of the emperor's throne!

The Rong Group is not an ordinary family business. It is rich beyond compare, military industry, finance and real estate, and it is involved in everywhere.

The Jin family can't even compare to one of his fingers.

"Don't lie to me, I can give you this woman, but you will really give up the position of CEO to me?!" The man finally couldn't stand the test of temptation, and naively talked about the conditions.

Rong Jinbei sneered disdainfully, his thin lips curled up with contempt, and his handsome face showed undisguised cruelty, "Of course, untie her rope, and I'll go to the car to get the document to sign, and the black and white will never deceive you." people!"

The man held the gun, paused, and pulled the trigger, "You'd better not play any tricks!"

"Once any document is signed, it has legal effect. Have you read the book?" Rong Jinbei put away his gun, flicked the wrinkles on his suit, turned around and strode towards the car.

The man in black loosened the rope on Qin Yise's body, like escorting a prisoner, for fear that she would run away.

Qin Yise walked forward under the gun, approaching Rong Jinbei step by step.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he cynically took out a document, lowered his head, and signed his signature on it.

The perfect profile was impeccable. In the end, he also attached a bad check, signed it, and handed it out through the car window.

The man in black took the document, looked at the letter suspiciously for a few times, and asked with some uneasiness: "You have prepared these things in advance? Could it be that you framed me?"

(End of this chapter)

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