you are the love of my life

Chapter 209 Escape from the Sea of ​​Fire

Chapter 209 Escape from the Sea of ​​Fire
"Businessmen pay attention to integrity. What good does it do for me to lie to you? The surrounding area is full of gasoline and explosives. Can I still fly with wings?"

Rong Jinbei retorted lightly, the random nonsense words were like mantras that have been said hundreds of times.

He has a calm expression, but no one can see any flaws.

Qin Yise's legs were barely in control, and every small step was extremely difficult.

She looked at the sharpshooter lurking around with her dirty body, her heart was numb, and she didn't know how to persuade Jin Bei to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

He didn't even look at himself, completely ignoring her hints, Qin Yise took a deep breath, mustered up the courage, and was ready to sacrifice, just said, "Mr. Rong, let's go, I don't want to dirty your hands "

He was interrupted by this man domineeringly, "Stupid woman, don't you want to get in the car? Do you want me to do it myself? It seems that the speed and the passion are very popular recently. Before I die, I will let you take care of yourself." Feel my passion!"

Rong Jinbei suddenly pressed a device button, and the car door on her side popped up automatically.

Qin Yise looked dumbfounded. Originally, there was always a small spot of infrared rays on her chest, which moved with her footsteps. As long as she didn't cooperate, she would be killed by a single shot.

But the sports car has been specially modified, and the door opens upwards, just blocking that deadly aiming beam.

Rong Jinbei seemed to have calculated every step, what he wanted was to be safe, otherwise he wouldn't have broken into Longtan and Tiger's lair alone to save her.

Qin Yise broke free from the restraints of the man beside her, and got into the co-pilot without delay. The door of the car was closed immediately, and the hood was raised, enveloping them airtightly.

"What the hell, I was tricked!"

When the man with the gun realized that he had been duped, he flipped through the contract in his hand, and found that the last few pages were blank.

"Damn it, what are you doing in a daze, chase after me!"

Rong Jinbei glanced at the rearview mirror with ease, held the steering wheel firmly, and ran on a rampage regardless of the direction.

"The IQ of these idiots is not enough for me to play with!"

His equipment is all extraordinary, the car has bulletproof devices, and the pistol is the top A grade in the United States, which kills their submachine guns in seconds.

"That man just now seemed to be very afraid of the gun in your hand." Qin Yise grasped the armrest above her head, turned her head slightly, and sized him up with black eyes.

"It's been a long time since I gave up my life to play games with someone. Weapons are just icing on the cake. It mainly depends on courage and brains. It's a pity that they are such idiots, but they don't have the guts to accompany them."

Rong Jinbei said lightly, Qin Yise was speechless.


The tire suddenly bumped into the oil tank, and under the force of inertia, the car veered off course, making a big S shape. Rong Jinbei reacted quickly and turned the steering wheel sharply. Sparks were drawn from the ground due to friction, igniting the gasoline splashing everywhere. ...


Suddenly, the flames shot up into the sky, and it was out of control in the entire empty building.

Qin Yise opened her eyes wide in shock, watching the thick smoke billowing, the flames spreading along the oil stains on the ground like fire snakes...

On the other hand, Rong Jinbei held the steering wheel calmly and walked forward calmly. From a place two meters high, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the Lamborghini sped away. In the harsh night wind, the headlights shone forward, perfectly The parabolic arc, and finally landed steadily.

This man, is he using a sports car as an airplane? !

(End of this chapter)

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