you are the love of my life

Chapter 218 Moderate Exercise After Meals

Chapter 218 Moderate Exercise After Meals
Rong Jinbei was familiar with the road and walked ahead, he didn't need anyone to lead the way.

"Have you been here?" Qin Yise asked him in astonishment.

The man replied without turning his head, "It's the first time, someone recommended it to me."

The two chatted one after another, and walked towards the service desk. The landlady saw them and smiled enthusiastically, "Are the two distinguished guests eating or staying?"

Rong Jinbei leaned lazily towards the counter, with a casual and elegant posture. He glanced at the antique decoration, tapped his fingers on the table casually and said: "Ma'am, prepare the best VIP suite, and then put your Get a copy of all the special dishes and deliver them to my room!"

"Okay, sir, is it credit card or cash?"

Rong Jinbei took out his gold card to pay the bill, Qin Yise grabbed his wrist, and asked with disapproval, "You're so rich, why only open one room, you're stingy."

"How many rooms I want to open is my business, besides, who would think too much money?" He said as a matter of course.

Qin Yise gave a deep look of contempt, "You are the richest man in the Asia-Pacific region, everyone thinks you have a lot of money, and of course I think so too."

"You eat mine, wear mine, use mine, how dare you think I have too much money?"

With a wave of his hand, Rong Jinbei easily shook off her claws, paid the money generously, turned around with the invoice and stared at the woman beside him, and continued: "Ordinary men can't afford you."

Heh, it turned out to be the mistress who was taken care of by the benefactor. The landlady's wife looked at Qin Yise with a pair of eyes, instantly filled with contempt and disdain.

She arranged the room on the computer, and then let the waiter lead them into the room.

Qin Yise felt her strange gaze, and her cheeks immediately burned up.

She gave the man next to her a hard look, "No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak!"

"I'm telling the truth, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

Well, he didn't mean anything malicious, but it's hard for others to misunderstand.

Qin Yise couldn't say anything about him, so she didn't say anything.

On the second floor, the waiter respectfully opened the door and introduced with a smile, "The layout of the rooms here is all built in imitation of the Tang Dynasty. We have prepared a lot of interesting packages in the store. Do you need anything, Mr. Rong?"

"All right, all right, you go out first." Rong Jinbei interrupted her indifferently, without answering directly, when his black eyes swept towards Qin Yise, there was a touch of tenderness in his cold eyes.

"Well, if Mr. Rong has any orders, call me anytime."

After the waiter left, Rong Jinbei patted the seat beside him, hooked his hands to Qin Yise and said, "Come and sit, take a bath later, go out and exercise after eating, and then you can rest."

Qin Yise kicked off her shoes, and said vaguely, "Bored, who wants to exercise with you, I'll take a shower first, my body is sticky and uncomfortable."

"I know you are exhausted, just lie down and rest for a while, and teach me about working hard."

Stinking rogue!
Qin Yise covered her ears, pretending she couldn't hear anything, and ran to the bathroom quickly.

Next to the shower was a wooden bucket filled with rose petals. She didn't like to take a bath in a public tub, as she always felt it was unhygienic.

So I chose to take a shower, and soon the bathroom was filled with mist, and the water was rushing. Qin Yise rinsed the bubbles on her head, without noticing that the door behind her was pushed open.

Rong Jinbei walked in frankly, his retinas were covered with a layer of mist, looking at the woman in front of him, his body suddenly boiled with blood!

(End of this chapter)

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