Chapter 219
Qin Yise turned her face away, almost screaming in fright.

But a familiar low laugh came from above his head, which was extremely vicious.

She raised her eyes and roared angrily, "Why did you come in?"

Rong Jinbei grinned at the corner of his mouth, and the arc of his half-smile deepened little by little, "Of course he came in!"

"I'll give it to you, just wait a moment."

She was going straight out.

The man frowned and said, "It seems that you are in a hurry, aren't you a little impatient?"

"Nonsense, what am I impatient for?"

The man hinted bluntly, "You look like this, and you still say you are not in a hurry?"

Qin Yise blushed immediately, the wound on the corner of her mouth moved, she immediately grinned and gasped, the red and swollen place became more vivid and glaring.

She was extremely uncomfortable being looked at by Rong Jinbei, and she was in a dilemma——

"Even if you keep a pet casually, they are more obedient than you, Qin Yise, why can't you be obedient for a while? The woman I like will only do whatever it takes to possess her. You can't escape from my palm, understand. ?"

"I understand, I understand, don't make trouble with Mr. Rong, hurry up and take a shower, and go out for dinner."

Qin Yise couldn't dodge in time.

She was about to starve to death, but Rong Jinbei couldn't control that much, he had to fill his stomach first.

"President, please raise your hand. I'm a mortal. I haven't eaten for a day. I'm so hungry. Can you let me eat first?" Qin Yise said pitifully, her voice trembling.

"Wait until I'm full, then you can eat!" He was on the point of the string, there was no reason not to say it.

Qin Yise was angry and angry, but unable to struggle.

She said unwillingly: "When you wave your hand, countless women rush over, such as the waitress just now, as long as you say a word, she can come in and satisfy you immediately! Why do you want to pester me? Torture me , you have a sense of accomplishment, don't you?"

She is really weak now, as if she will raise her hair at any time, and has no energy to deal with him anymore.

"That's the theory, but I don't like to hear such words from you again!" Rong Jinbei interrupted her without any doubt, and directly sealed her mouth, preventing her from repeating any more words.

Domineering devil...

She must have had a grudge against him in her previous life, that's why he tortured him so cruelly in this life!
He is simply a catastrophe for her, since she can't avoid it, then accept it naturally...

In the end, she was unwilling, so she couldn't deceive herself.

His family background, wealth, and appearance, no matter what, are enough to make countless women fall in love, but if he hadn't led the trap and bankrupted the Qin family, she wouldn't be in the predicament she is in now, and she couldn't even finish her studies.

Maybe she is stubborn in her bones, the more forced her feelings are, the more resistant she is.

If the two are in love, she may love him with all her heart!
But their personalities, and the level of their status, are destined not to be people of the same world.

(End of this chapter)

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