you are the love of my life

Chapter 225 What is the relationship between him and Qin Yise

Chapter 225 What is the relationship between him and Qin Yise

"Yes, young master, all of his subordinates were killed." Ling Tuo shook the hand holding the steering wheel, and the car ran in an S shape, and immediately returned to a stable state.

Rong Jinbei glanced at him sharply with eagle eyes, "You've lost your hand, right? You can't even hold the steering wheel steadily?"

"I'm sorry, young master, I know I'm wrong, I'll review..." Ling Tuo lowered his head in fear, looking at the road seriously.

Rong Jinbei gave him a cold look, then closed his eyes again, recharging his energy.

Sitting next to him, Qin Yise felt a lot of pressure, and let out a deep breath. If she spends a long time with such an indifferent and heartless man, without a strong ability to resist pressure, she will definitely be mentally weak!
Due to time constraints, Rong Jinbei went back to the company directly.

There was a lot of mess to deal with, and he needed to come forward to explain what happened at the Qiao family banquet, so he went directly to the president's office to attend the nine o'clock meeting.

Qin Yise went back to the nearby apartment to catch up on her beauty sleep, and it was already afternoon when she woke up again.

"Miss Qin, are you awake?"

The servant quickly handed over a hot towel and a glass of warm water.

"Uh, what time is it?"

Qin Yise felt weak all over, and she found that her limbs became more sore, numb and painful, like the feeling after climbing a mountain.

The servant wiped her face with a towel, with an extremely pious expression: "It's still early, before three o'clock, Miss Qin has just escaped from danger, and her body is severely dehydrated and very weak. The young master told you not to run around anymore, and lie down on the bed obediently." Wait until you fully recover. He asked me to guard here, and if there is anything wrong with you, I have to take full responsibility!"

The corner of Qin Yise's mouth twitched, she took a few sips of water from the cup, and her dry throat felt much better.

"Thank you, please help me make something to eat."

"Well, okay, what kind of food does Miss Qin want to eat? My cooking skills are superb."

"Home cooking."

Qiao's Bieyuan.

When Qiao Man heard that Rong Jinbei had returned safely, when he was dealing with affairs in the company, his heart finally fell to the ground.

Holding the mobile phone, she walked up and down the living room, calling bossily: "Housekeeper, prepare the car, by the way, ask the kitchen to prepare some soup. I'll take it to Brother Jin Bei to calm him down!"

Hearing the shout, the servant hurriedly filled a thermos with ginseng and chicken soup and handed it to her.

The car arrived all the way downstairs of Rong's Group, and Qiao Man walked into the elevator with ease and went up to the top floor.

But when he entered the office, he didn't see Rong Jinbei's person.

Ling Tuo walked in with the documents, saw Qiao Man twisting the thermos in his hand, and said, "Miss Qiao, the young master is having a meeting in the conference room, and it will probably not finish in a while."

Qiao Man smiled generously, "It's okay, I can wait."

She has been waiting for so many years.

Do you still care about this hour and a half?

"Okay, then sit down slowly." Ling Tuo nodded, put the document down, and he was about to leave.

Qiao Man stopped him suddenly, and asked pointedly, "What's the relationship between Brother Jin Bei and that Qin Yise? I've never seen him take such special care of any secretary."

"It's better for Ms. Qiao to ask the young master this question in person, and let him answer you face to face. After all, as a subordinate, it's not for me to comment on his private life, and it's a rare precedent like Qin Yise's."

Listening to Ling Tuo's words, Qiao Man couldn't help clenching her fists.

A rare precedent, Qin Yise, that bitch, why did Brother Jin Bei break through the bottom line again and again!
She bit her lip and stood up, throwing the thermos into the trash can.

Qin Yise, just wait for me!

(End of this chapter)

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