you are the love of my life

Chapter 226 She Stolen Her

Chapter 226 She Stolen Her

Qiao Man was full of anger, her teeth were itching, and when she got home, she locked herself in the room, thinking about what to do next, so as to prevent future troubles forever and make Qin Yise unable to turn over again.

If this continues, Brother Jin Bei will definitely be snatched away by her!
In the president's office of the Rong Group, Rong Jinbei buried his head in front of the European-style desk, dealing with a mountain of documents.

On the computer screen are reports of various financial analysis data, densely packed and complicated numbers, which can make people dizzy with just one glance.

He was wearing a black handmade shirt, his tie was thrown aside, his facial features were lean and luxurious, his suit was casually laid on the back of the leather seat, and he signed his name on the paper with his big hands.

In the trash can on the side was the vacuum flask that Qiao Man left behind just before leaving.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door, and the force of the fingers tapping on the door was very gentle.

Rong Jinbei frowned, a little displeased when his train of thought was interrupted, and said two words indifferently, "Come in."

Without raising his head, he continued to review piles of documents.

"President, your coffee."

Lisa came in from the outside with a cup of coffee, and walked step by step in her professional attire, looking extraordinarily dignified and elegant.

Her graceful figure moves from far to near, so close at hand.

The hair on the back of the head is capable and intellectual, full of thick intellectuality.

She has a youthful appearance, with good facial features, and a flash of inspiration in her eyes, but she doesn't hide it at all.

Making coffee was originally a job that everyone in the secretary's office took turns doing. If anyone was lucky enough to be spotted by Mr. Rong, his luck would be overwhelming, and he would be hundreds of times luckier than winning the lottery.

It's a pity that since Qin Yise's arrival, she has taken up all the cheap errands by herself.

After finally squeezing that person away, she must seize the right time and firmly grasp this kind of thing that is close to the water first!

"Let it go."

Rong Jinbei's voice had no warmth, his eyes were fixed on the data on the computer, and at the same time, his hands kept signing the documents.

He even circled the unreasonable places and put a few question marks.

The rejected documents were thrown aside by him.

Such an efficient working ability is really amazing, and when it is serious, it is the most beautiful!
He was sitting upright, his slender fingers didn't stop for a moment, they were constantly busy.

Busy but not chaotic, elegant and calm, he doesn't look like he is dealing with official business, but as if he is writing a paper, his thin lips are tightly pursed, the arc of his chin is stretched, and the rhinoceros eyes under his handsome eyebrows are pitch black. And deep.

Even if you don't speak, there is a powerful aura invisibly, which makes people admire!

Lisa stood beside him and stared at him motionlessly, feeling a little dumbfounded. When she first came to Rong's to apply for a job, it was because she saw Rong Jinbei's photo in the newspaper. She wanted to see how this perfect person really is. attractive.

But she didn't expect that anyone who gets close to him can't help but want to know more.

Rong Jinbei didn't touch that cup of coffee, he seemed to be used to it these days, Qin Yise came and went in and out of his own world, so he was a little uncomfortable with a sudden change of person.

Aware of his strangeness, Rong Jinbei quickly covered up the emotion on his face, and devoted all his attention to the database.

Lisa turned her eyes to take a look, and her eyes just fixed on the thermos bottle in the trash can, she bent her lips and said flatteringly:

(End of this chapter)

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