Chapter 227

"President, did you stay away last night? Ms. Qiao is worried about you. She called everywhere to inquire about your whereabouts. It's the first time I've seen you like that. I'm probably going crazy!"

After finishing speaking, Lisa made her own claim, picked up the thermos bottle in the trash can, unscrewed the lid, poured out all the ginseng soup inside, took it under the tap again, and cleaned it carefully.

Hearing the chaotic voice, Rong Jinbei frowned, looked at the self-righteous woman, pointed at her, and said with a trace of disgust in his voice, "Who allowed you to do this? Without my order, you are not allowed to step in again." One step, go out!"

"Secretary Qin is not here. I'm here to deliver coffee to you. By the way, I'll show you the latest financial statements."

Lisa bit her lip innocently, holding a thermos in her hand, standing where she was, and said innocently.

Even if that bitch Qin Yise resigned on her own initiative, she found that in President Rong's eyes, she couldn't hold others well.

Also, for young school girls, it's normal for men to find it fresh.

There will always be a day when you get tired of playing!
As long as she continues to work here, there will always be a chance to replace Qin Yise.

"When you're done with this job, get out. If you're free, I don't mind giving you another job."

Rong Jinbei said another sentence indifferently, his whole body exudes absolute coldness from the inside out, every cell is repelling any woman from approaching him.

"...Then don't bother the president, I'll go out first."

Lisa bit the bullet and went down the pole.

The entire secretary's room has long been used to Rong Jinbei's poisonous tongue, and he often even scolded him bloody because of a small mistake.

But such a ruthless refusal left her with no excuse to cling to him again, which was unprecedented.

The sudden change made Lisa very sad.

However, before she reached the door, Rong Jinbei's unexpected voice sounded from behind her again: "You are good at finance, and you are also very good at organizing financial statements. From now on, you will be the assistant secretary. Fill."

Although she was scolded, she was promoted a little, not as good as a personal secretary, but no matter how you think about it, it feels like a blessing in disguise.

President Rongda has always pursued perfection to an outrageous degree in his work, and few people can get his approval!
"Thank you, Mr. Rong, I will definitely work harder!" Lisa tried her best to suppress the joy on her face, and bowed to Rong Jinbei again and again: "Thank you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, get out now!"

Rong Jinbei interrupted her indifferently.

Lisa turned her head and saw that he put down the pile of urgent documents and was flipping through the financial statements she had sorted out. The corners of his mouth gradually loosened, which proved that he was in a good mood.

From this, it is known that she has already gained basic approval in the heart of the president.

So, she boldly said, "President, since the incident with Secretary Qin last time, there was an unpleasant disturbance in Yunshuijian. The employees of our departments haven't gone out to get together for a long time. Can you arrange some programs for us?" Everyone unpack?"

"Give some sunshine, and you will start to shine. Do you want to open a dyeing workshop by the way? Don't you know that you talk too much!"

Which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, Rong Jinbei looked away from the report coldly, and looked at her, with a foreboding of anger.

Even if it's a gamble, she still needs to find some sense of presence to make everyone look at her with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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