Chapter 228
Lisa raised her head and chest up, met Rong Jinbei's eyes neither humble nor overbearing, her heartbeat was a little violent, but she still remonstrated desperately: "I'm just making a suggestion, I hope the president can think more about the employees under him and give us some benefits and room to enjoy!"

After all, Rong's is a very competitive company, and the work of each department is full of intensity and high load. Usually, they will organize a bureau in private to relax.

But recently, Qiao Man and Qin Yise got into a fight, and the two women robbed the other man, causing things to happen one after another without stopping for a moment.

Even implicating the people in the company, they dare not go to the nightclub to commit crimes against the wind!
Really depressed.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her coldly, then withdrew his gaze, and said indifferently, "Do you want to find a needle and thread to sew your mouth shut so that I can be quiet?"

"President, I..."

Lisa was aggrieved and wanted to defend herself.


Rong Jinbei threw the report in his hand on the table, "In terms of finance, you do have some brains, but you are too thoughtful and self-righteous. I don't want to see you, so get out!"


With the last word, Lisa felt that someone slapped her face hard.

Tell her to go away, and she doesn't know what to do, what are you doing here?
Are you humiliating yourself?

She lowered her head, took a deep breath and said, "We are under a lot of pressure at work every day, because we have to worry about Qin Yise's affairs. Recently, everyone dare not even go to nightclubs, and work overtime until late to go drinking and clubbing. It has become a way for our generation to vent, not only will not delay work, but also improve efficiency, and can ensure physical and mental health, since Mr. Rong can't understand, I have nothing to say."

Saying so much in one breath, the secret of fame is nothing more than accusing Qin Yise of breaking the balance of their work.

She turned around and walked out step by step. It was rare that Rong Jinbei didn't scold her bloody, but sat there with a calm face, turning the pen at the fingertips with his slender fingers. He didn't speak for a long time, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nonsense, full of crooked reasoning!"

Suddenly, he threw out a sentence abruptly.

This woman's ability to tell tales really opened his eyes.

The man stood up from the desk in a dignified figure, with one hand on his hip, and his voice was as cool as ever, "But I am not the capitalist who can only be a vampire as you say, as you wish, on the premise of not delaying the work progress, From today onwards, everyone doesn't have to work overtime, and they can go wherever they want to get together, and I won't forcefully interfere."

Anyway, Qin Yise is no longer in the secretary department, so he doesn't need to be so strict.

Originally, Lisa had no hope, but Rong Jinbei suddenly let go, which was a complete surprise to her!
She just wanted to take advantage of the time when the president had a good impression of her, and try her best to show off and add a little sense of presence, but she didn't expect him to agree.

Since going on a business trip to the United States, Mr. Rong seems to have become a lot more human.

"Thank you, President. I misunderstood you just now. I will tell everyone the good news now."

Lisa smiled shyly, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as this matter was announced, all the staff in the office up and down the building couldn't help cheering.

Oh yeah, I finally don't have to go to places like nightclubs secretly to have fun anymore, and worry about being bumped into by the company's senior management and losing my job.

Rong Jinbei glanced coldly out of the window, and could vaguely hear the cheers of the employees in the corridor. He turned around and returned to the desk to continue processing the documents.

(End of this chapter)

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