Chapter 234
"Everyone, cheer up, today there is no status, only indulgence!"

After she finished speaking, she sang an English song.


The clear and shallow voice immediately attracted the men to raise their arms and shout, and their eyes coincided with surprise.

It is undeniable that she is very talented, with outstanding looks, coupled with her hard-working performance, male colleagues rushed to drink with her.

Lisa noticed that everyone's eyes shifted to her, she pursed her lips in satisfaction, pretended to be weak and began to beg for mercy repeatedly: "Don't, don't, good brothers, just forgive me, I don't drink well, don't force me, especially you Bully more and less, if you treat women too badly, be careful not to find a wife in the future."

Her voice was so delicate that it almost softened her bones.

The hot scene gave Rong Jinbei a headache.

He didn't like such a noisy scene, his temples were throbbing, he glanced at his phone, turned around and was about to leave, after thinking about it, he turned around again, thinking it would be better to say hello before leaving.

But suddenly, something unexpected happened.

"Ah, help—"

There was an ear-piercing scream mixed with the din, and the red wine tower on the coffee table was completely overwhelmed by a figure.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyes, just in time to see Lisa face down, as if she was pushed down by someone, that's why she touched those wine glasses and fell directly, 100% disfigured.

At the critical moment, he walked over quickly and picked up her body. Fortunately, only the palm was cut, but fortunately, the upper body was not injured.

Lisa, still in shock, clung tightly to his arms.

"What are you doing, don't tell me, you guys are playing the murder game again?"

Rong Jinbei let go of the woman in his arms, glanced coldly at everyone present, and roared in displeasure.

I should have known that they were playing crazy and that something would happen, but I didn't expect it to work so soon.

"Who did it?"

It's so unqualified that even women can do it.

Really think that Rong's is a children's paradise, you can do anything according to your temperament!

Seeing the CEO getting angry, everyone bowed their heads one after another, not daring to say a word while standing there.

The originally lively box suddenly fell silent.

In fact, Lisa knew in her heart that it was not her male colleagues who pushed her, but some jealous women.

But she didn't mind, because the more this happened, the more it proved that her influence was enough to pose a threat.

And it just so happened that President Rong also saved her.

"It's all over for me today!"

Don't even think about gatherings for welfare like this in the future.

Rong Jinbei growled in displeasure, with a cold and angry face, and was about to leave.

There was another ear-piercing scream from beside me, "Ah——my hand is bleeding a lot!"

Rong Jinbei glanced sideways and saw Lisa yelling. There were indeed several deep wounds on her hands, and blood was gushing out.

Without thinking too much, he directly handed out a handkerchief from his pocket and asked her to bandage the wound.

There is a capital letter R on the handkerchief, and the material is expensive at a glance. It is his personal item and is tailor-made by a senior French designer.

Excited, Lisa took out a handkerchief from her hand, bandaged the wound, and tied a bow on the palm of her hand. She glanced at Rong Jin Bei gratefully.

Then, thinking about her toes, she pressed close to his face, kissed him lightly, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Rong."

She just used foreign etiquette to express her gratitude to him.

Looking elegant and unobtrusive, it actually satisfies my own selfishness!
(End of this chapter)

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