you are the love of my life

Chapter 235 Game Life

Chapter 235 Game Life
Rong Jinbei's face was tense, his body was frozen there, and his fingers slowly closed.

Lisa counted the time, Qin Yise should be here almost, she tried her best to put her whole body on it, but she was afraid that the man would be merciless and push her away!
So I had to go step by step, step by step.

With a smile on her face, she said coquettishly, "President, it's not working time, why don't you be so serious? Didn't you promise me to come out to relax and decompress together? So now, you should cooperate with the rules of the game. We just It's just a game, it's just a joke everyone made, don't be angry, okay?"


As expected of the most favored secretary, she dared to say such nonsense.

Is the president so easy to fool?

Everyone was stunned by Lisa's childish excuse.

I don't know if it's better to say she is innocent or pure, or to praise her for being courageous and courageous. Is it to keep them from being scolded for being able to justify such a lie?
Good Mother.

Rong Jinbei's frown was loosened, and he looked at her suspiciously, "Are you kidding me? Don't be so careless in the future. If you accidentally disfigure your face, you will lose yourself!"

Can his reprimand be regarded as a disguised concern?

Lisa thought affectionately in her heart.

On the contrary, everyone behind him broke into a cold sweat.

Manager Wang stepped forward at the right time, trying to smooth things over: "Hehe, this is just a game, let's have fun and adjust our lives, Mr. Rong, we all have a sense of proportion, even if you don't make a move, other colleagues will be heroes to save the beauty, Such a worthy opportunity does not necessarily come as a surprise.”

Not necessarily, that means it is possible!
Rong Jinbei never did anything he was not sure about, but these people were willing to do what they wanted, and he didn't need to be too radical, so he didn't say any more, and said coldly: "You guys have fun, I'll go first."

He flicked the folds of his suit, ready to leave—

Lisa felt her body being pushed away, her heart suddenly turned cold, and she didn't want to give up just like that.

She plucked up her courage, grabbed Rong Jinbei's sleeves tightly, and said through gritted teeth, "CEO, can't you play with us for a game before leaving? Since we're all here, leaving without a glass of wine will make us very upset." No confidence."

"Yes, Mr. Rong, the game is very simple. There is a turntable here. Whoever the pointer is in front of, the team will be fed with wine. Hold the cup with your mouth, or hold it with a certain part of your body. Be sure to feed it The opponent's mouth wins. If the cup falls, or if the hand touches it, it is a foul!"

Everyone enthusiastically asked to stay.

Rong Jinbei sneered, pushed away Lisa's hand wrapped around his arm, and stared at the messy props on the table, "You have prepared these tricks a long time ago, haven't you?"

Lisa stroked her hair by her ear, not embarrassed by his actions at all, but explained coyly: "President, you have a good eye for gold, so don't point it out if you see it through, everyone is just trying to have fun!"

Everyone saw that Rong Jinbei was standing there with a half-smile on his face, and he didn't insist on leaving. Several men were eager to try, and some people started taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's go straight to the topic, let's see who is the first to be on my circle of friends, the Rong family gathers together, the male compatriots hold the wine bottle between their legs, and feed the female colleagues a drink, hahaha, it's so exciting!"

(End of this chapter)

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