you are the love of my life

Chapter 249 No Principles

Chapter 249 No Principles
Lisa's face was getting paler and paler, but he was like a poison, and she had sunk into it, unable to extricate herself.

Being reprimanded by him at work has long been a habit.

But for a blow like today, her self-confidence is also said to be a little frustrated, which is unbearable.

Lisa admitted her mistake pitifully and begged for mercy, "President, I know I was wrong. I don't dare to have messy thoughts in the future to seduce you. Please continue to let me stay by your side, okay?"

"Impossible, having a woman next to me who wants to climb into my bed all day is the greatest danger to myself!"

"Which of the women in the company doesn't want to climb..."

Lisa was amazing again.

She actually wanted to talk about Qin Yise, how could that woman do it, but thinking of the warning just now, she immediately changed her mind.

Rong Jinbei's dark eyes stared at her for a few seconds, and he stopped wasting time. He turned away from the landline on the table, pressed the speakerphone coldly, and dialed the extension number, "Reorganize the secretary's room, let me see Messy women are recruited, and your personnel department resigns collectively, so you don't have to do anything!"

Manager Wang's dazed head was instantly awakened by this order from the blue sky: "President, the messy woman you're talking about...? Secretary Qin?"

"Your brain is squeezed by the door, or did you drink too much last night? If you don't want to die, stop talking nonsense and follow my orders!"

Rong Jinbei smashed down the microphone, and threw it on the table with a bang. This old man is too courageous!

Is it time to consider retirement and replacement?

Although he is only over fifty years old and in his prime, in Rong Jinbei's eyes, he has already been classified as an old man.

If it wasn't for his father's face, he really wanted to replace all those old backbones!


Lisa looked at him in disbelief: "President, are you firing me for this reason? I did what happened yesterday with your consent!"

She looked a little excited, rather unwilling, "If I made a mistake at work, you have to fire me, no matter what, but you can't drive me away for such a ridiculous reason. The whole company, from top to bottom, has a crush on you I don't know how many women there are, each of them has a different purpose, and they also want to seduce you, do you want to fire them one by one?"

Rong Jinbei put his arms around his chest, stared at her coldly, and said displeasedly, "Is it because I'm deaf, or what I just said was not clear enough, and you still want to stay here to be an eyesore?"

Ling Tuo opened the door and walked in, with an official face on his face, and said formulaically: "Miss Lisa, this way please, the CEO has already ordered you to be fired, don't force me to do it, let the security guards throw you out."

He stopped calling her Secretary Lisa.

But a strange lady.

"No, I..."

Lisa wanted to say something else, but the man behind the desk had a chilling voice, "Don't dare to say a word, just let this woman disappear, and she is not allowed to appear in front of me in the future, polluting the air."

Rong Jinbei's face was stern, Lisa stared at him with wide eyes, her lips parted and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

He was still so indifferent, the tenderness last night was completely false.

This man only had Qin Yise in his eyes.

As soon as she appeared, all the good things were broken.

"Miss Lisa, let's go."

Ling Tuo urged coldly from the side.

"Understood, you don't need to say, I will leave." Lisa turned around and walked out in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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