you are the love of my life

Chapter 250 The Clown Who Can't Get on the Stage

Chapter 250 The Clown Who Can't Get on the Stage
The president's office suddenly fell silent, and Ling Tuo ordered the cleaners to come in and clean up the mess on the ground.

Rong Jinbei rubbed his brows, leaned back in the chair, and sighed softly, what is he doing?
Is it true that for Qin Yise's sake, all the female employees in the company who have been in contact with him should be demoted?

How could she be worthy of his abandonment of principles again and again, even if he did so, that woman might not appreciate it!
At this time, Qiao's villa.

Qiao Man received a call from her friend, and the head of the PR department told her that Lisa was fired by President Rong early in the morning.

"Miss Qiao, do you think Mr. Rong... did he take Lisa for the sake of making Qin Yise happy?"

Qiao Man didn't take it seriously: "Don't talk about it, I have my own measure in this matter!"

She was dressed in Chanel home clothes, standing in the stairwell with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

"Qin Yise is at best a homeless dog, no matter how capable she is, she won't stay by Brother Jin Bei's side for long."

Qiao Man leaned against the door frame like a queen, with a strong disdain in her tone, like a mistress in the main room who looked down on her who couldn't get on the stage.
On the other side, accompanied by the driver of the Rong family, Qin Yise went to the detention center to visit Qin's father.

The car was driving along the highway, and the scenery on both sides was desolate...

The car stopped at the door, Qin Yise took a deep breath, opened the door and got out.

The closer she got to the gate, the colder her fingers got.

After going through the visiting procedures, the prison guards took her inside. The heavy iron gates locked the free passage, the line of sight changed from wide to narrow, and the fresh air outside became oppressive here.

Walking to the reception hall, Qin Yise sat on a chair and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, the prison guard said, "Miss Qin, the person you want to meet has been brought to the visiting room, you can go there."

"Okay, thank you."

Qin Yise thanked her, and went to the visiting room with heavy steps.

She and Qin Zhentian sat face to face at a table.

Qin's father was still wearing the original suit, which was a little wrinkled, and his meticulous hairstyle in the past was now a mess, with many gray hairs on his temples.

There are also wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and deep nasolabial folds on the forehead.

In just three months, my father has aged a lot.

He sat there silently, his eyes were dull, and his whole body was full of despair and pessimism.

Qin Yise clenched her fingers, looking at her vigorous father, who had turned into a dying old man, the contrast in her heart was too great.

Even if she didn't have a deep father-daughter affection for him, she couldn't accept it for a while.

"Dad, I'm here to see you."

She sighed softly, and broke the silence.

In the dimly lit room, there was a long-lost intimacy in the clear and shallow voice, and Qin Zhentian's heart felt hot when he heard it.

He knew that he owed too much to this daughter, but he didn't expect that she would still come to visit him, so he was somewhat comforted!

Qin Zhentian looked at his daughter with dim eyes, and there was an indescribable sadness and regret hidden in his eyes.

He did something wrong, and regretting it is useless.

Sooner or later, the legal sanctions will come to him!

His eyes were a little dull, he looked at Qin Yise's facial features slowly, and seemed to see her mother's appearance when she was young.

After a long time, his lips were murmured and opened with great effort, before he managed to utter a sentence: "I didn't expect that you would be willing to see me as a father."

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(End of this chapter)

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