you are the love of my life

Chapter 258 Not an opponent

Chapter 258 Not an opponent
"My phone is out of battery, go downstairs to charge it, otherwise I will miss important information tomorrow, it will be bad..."

"Really? I'll lend you a wireless charging device for free." Rong Jinbei curled his lips indifferently.


Qin Yise's excuse was broken, and she stood there in embarrassment, turned around and looked at him, her eyes met: "Give me some time, I'm not ready yet."

"You don't need to be fully prepared, you just need to see clearly and never forget your identity!"

The carelessness of his words undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Qin Yise, shattering all her illusions.

With his head buzzing, he went into the bathroom in a daze.

Under the luxurious crystal chandelier, Qin Yise didn't know where to put her gaze, she turned around to cover up, and turned her back to him.

Rong Jinbei curled his thin lips, "Woman, what are you hiding, don't deliberately turn a blind eye to me."

"Who turned a blind eye?" Qin Yise retorted unwillingly.

Rong Jinbei interrupted her in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, show some sincerity, I don't listen to empty words!"

Qin Yise swallowed, feeling that sooner or later she would die young...

"Rong Jinbei, if you want me to die, just say so."

"Why am I willing to die for you? It's too late to pet you." The man smiled, and there was something in his words.

Why is he always in the rhythm of being ready to kill her at any time.

Qin Yise blushed, "I take back what I just said, okay..."

"it is good."

He only said one word.

But she saw that he was just trying to fool her, so she cursed angrily: "President Rongda, take it easy, I'm dead, and your days to come will be boring!"

"Don't worry, I'll be able to sing with you." Rong Jinbei twitched his lips, and replied sternly.

Qin Yise choked on words, and was taken aback.

His face expanded in front of her, and she said with disgust: "That's not what I'm talking about."

"Whether you admit it or not, it's the truth!" The man laughed domineeringly, and ordered domineeringly.

Qin Yise stared at the sky speechlessly, who will save her.

It was really hard life, climbing from one fire pit to another fire pit.

Is she stupid? !

The next morning.

The first ray of sunlight entered the room through the gap in the curtains, illuminating the room.

When Qin Yise woke up, she habitually stretched her arms and moved her limbs.

The eyes rolled, and the man's magnified handsome face appeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

Qin Yise's whole body was stiff, and she was tightly held by Rong Jinbei in her arms. She wanted to get up, but she was afraid of waking him up...

At this moment, he fell into sleep wearily, his thin lips were slightly pursed, his breathing was even, and his closed eyes spread out into dense fan shapes.

She carefully shook off his arm, but in less than three seconds, the man took her into his arms again.

Instead, the hoop was tighter than before, and she couldn't breathe freely.


Qin Yise coughed twice, and Rong Jinbei frowned, as if he was unhappy to be woken up.

He is probably only at this time, when he is in the most relaxed state, not on guard.

The usually serious and indifferent handsome face now has a little warmth.

Maybe it's an illusion, Qin Yise felt for the first time that this man who is inextricably linked to her should be strange and distant, unmatched by anyone.

But at this moment, as soon as you look up, you can touch his gentle and sleeping appearance.

"Rong Jinbei..."

She gently pulled his arm away and called out.

He was in a deep sleep and unresponsive.

(End of this chapter)

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