you are the love of my life

Chapter 259 The Richest Vampire

Chapter 259 The Richest Vampire

He is probably only at this time, when he is in the most relaxed state, not on guard.

The usually serious and indifferent handsome face now has a little warmth.

Maybe it's an illusion, Qin Yise felt for the first time that this man who is inextricably linked to her should be strange and distant, unmatched by anyone.

But at this moment, there is a negative distance between her and him, and when she lifts her eyes, she can touch his gentle and sleeping appearance.

"Rong Jinbei..."

She gently pulled his arm away and called out.

He was in a deep sleep and unresponsive.

Qin Yise slowly pulled away, tiptoed off the quilt and got out of bed.

The man's arms were empty, he frowned displeasedly, turned over, and continued to sleep.

He is really exhausted, exhausted of energy and stamina, now he needs to replenish his vitality!
Qin Yise picked up the pajamas on the ground, put them on, and walked out the door in an awkward posture.

The servant was cleaning, and while wiping the furniture, she turned her head, and Qin Yise, who rushed downstairs, pursed her lips and smiled, and said politely, "Miss Qin, you're awake, it's so early, what do you want for breakfast? "

"It's better to be lighter, thank you." Qin Yise nodded gratefully.

She is not qualified to enjoy the life of a rich young lady who stretches out her hands for clothes and opens her mouth for food.

These people are working for Rong Jinbei, not her servants.

Her peaceful attitude made it impossible for the working maids to hate her even if they wanted to!

After Qin Yise washed up, she sat in the living room and ate breakfast, while watching the morning news habitually, and found that there were no negative reports about Qin's.

No news is the best news.

On the other hand, the financial channel was once again taken over by Rong Jinbei.

He is the hottest upstart richest man in the business world, and his every move has attracted the attention of the media!

The host reported with relish: "The share price of the Rong Group reached a new high, and the assets of the Jin family, a leading jewelry company acquired, doubled in just a few days, driving the gold sector to go up and down. We continue to look forward to the next performance. "

Then came the financial experts, who evaluated and analyzed the worth of the CEO of the Rong Group.

The exaggerated president is the youngest richest man in the Asia-Pacific region, and that string of numbers is quite astonishing.

Qin Yise twitched the corners of her lips in boredom, capitalists are capitalists, they are born to suck blood, they amass money well, and they even became the richest man.

But let the media brag so well!
No wonder Rong Shao is so confident, saying how many women are waiting in line to get into his bed.

Qin Yise turned off the TV, and it became clearer in her heart that what she owed him would never be repaid in this lifetime.

And the distance between them is not only the difference between cloud and mud, but no matter how hard she tries, she will never be able to catch up with his footsteps in this life!
He will eventually find a woman of the right family, get married and have children, and she can only become his shady bargain.

Feeling overwhelmed, she poured a glass of cold boiled water and poured it with her head up. The complicated emotions in her chest finally calmed down a lot.
For the first time in history, Rong Jinbei didn't wake up until noon, his complexion was not very good, as if he had been squeezed dry, he ate a few mouthfuls of food, and then went to work in the company.

Qin Yise was worried about the situation of the Qin family, and who did the bank auction off those properties?
This was all due to her heart knot, so she had a poor appetite and didn't eat much, so she nestled on the sofa and kept holding the tablet computer.

The doorbell rang suddenly. Except for Qiao Man, no one in this apartment knew she was here, and there would be no paparazzi and debt collectors to harass her.

(End of this chapter)

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