Chapter 265
There is nothing in the world that she dare not do.

Rong Jinbei continued to the woman beside him: "Did I remind you that if you dare to run away again, your legs will be broken?!"

Qin Yise was stunned, thought for a while, and seemed to have said it.

She was just about to speak, when suddenly a bodyguard came over and reported, "Master, Master is calling."

"What's the matter?" Rong Jinbei asked, taking a sip of the red wine casually, without any hint of anxiety in his tone.

"It seems to be about Ms. Qin. He asked you to arrange it properly. Don't force him to take action. Then everyone will look bad." The bodyguard said truthfully.

"I know, you step back!"

Rong Jinbei still tasted the red wine calmly, but his eyes kept sinking.

If he can't even keep a woman, isn't he too useless to be the CEO?
But having said that, no matter how much he does and how hard he works, Qin Yise's indifferent attitude makes him very irritable!

There is a feeling of self-indulgence, but it's a pity that this damn woman doesn't appreciate it at all.

Rong Jinbei squeezed the wine glass tightly, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated non-stop, frowned impatiently, took out the phone and swipe the screen, and answered it impatiently.


Holding the phone with slender fingers, thin lips spit out a single syllable coldly, with a lofty majesty, which made people's bodies tremble.

Qin Yise looked at his stern side face, and heard his frozen three feet voice, chilling people.

"It's all cleaned up?"

"Yes, young master, it has been done according to your instructions. The legal representative needs to be changed. Whose name should I register?" Ling Tuo replied respectfully on the other end of the phone.

"I didn't intend to ask for it, so let's write about her!" Rong Jinbei was concise and to the point, as if he didn't want to say more.

When Qin Yise heard the word Qin's, she immediately tensed up, thinking that something was wrong, so she moved closer to hear what was on the phone more clearly.

The man hummed twice and hung up the phone directly!

He has a strong sense of precaution, and he is never willing to disclose any information about business, even to those close to him.

Qin Yise felt uneasy, did something happen again?
Or is there another crisis in the Qin family?
She was thinking wildly by herself, Rong Jinbei hung up the phone, and turned his eyes to look at her, the deep meaning in his eyes could not see the bottom.

Qin Yise pretended to be nonchalant, but her heart was like a cat's paw scratching, extremely curious.

Rong Jinbei thought for a while, and wanted to tell her this surprise, but in the end, he didn't say a word, "From now on, you are not allowed to go anywhere, and you are not allowed to leave my sight until the debt is paid off." Half a step."

He warned heavily, and then ordered to the bodyguard next to him: "Go back!"

"Yes, sir."

For the next half an hour, Rong Jinbei kept looking at his mobile phone and didn't say a word to her.

Qin Yise muttered, what happened?
She never dreamed that the man beside her would buy the Qin family and give it to her as a charity.

If he doesn't want to say it himself, then it's impossible for her to know.

The plane landed on the helipad on the top floor of the Rong Group. Qin Yise was taken to the CEO's office by bodyguards, but the owner was nowhere to be seen.

When Qiao Man learned that Qin Yise did not go abroad according to her arrangement, she was so angry that she almost exploded.

She called to question, Qin Yise answered with a clear conscience: "Hello..."

(End of this chapter)

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