you are the love of my life

Chapter 266 Unexplainable

Chapter 266 Unexplainable
As soon as it was connected, there was a shrew-like roar from the phone, "Qin Yise, you shameless bitch, and you don't keep your promises, don't say I didn't give you a chance, it's because you don't know how to cherish it, you will definitely regrettable!"

Qiao Man stomped her feet angrily.

"Thank you, Ms. Qiao, for your advice. The world is unpredictable, and I didn't expect such an accident to happen. If you insist on finding me to settle accounts, just come, I won't back down!" Qin Yise supported her forehead.

The woman next to the ear laughed sarcastically: "What do you mean? Do you think I dare not?"


"Then don't hide, tell me, where are you? I'll go find you!" Qiao Man said the last few words almost gnashing her teeth.

"Of course it's with Mr. Rong..." Qin Yise didn't finish her sentence, she just clicked.

Qiao Man was stunned when she heard the words, obviously she didn't expect this result.

Her attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, like a deflated ball, not as aggressive as before.

"Qin Yise, do you think you can sit back and relax if you find a man to protect you? Brother Jin Bei, if he can protect you for a while, can he protect you for a lifetime? Men's hearts are the hardest things, and their hearts are changeable. Don't end up like an abandoned woman!"

Qin Yise didn't take Qiao Man's words seriously, because she hadn't thought about things that far away at all.

Sometimes God really likes to play tricks on people. The more you feel impossible, the sooner you will get retribution on yourself.

The landline on Rong Jinbei's desk rang, and it was the internal number of the Rong family.

Qin Yise put away the phone, and the bodyguards looked at each other, staring at the microphone, finally took a deep breath and picked it up, throwing the hot potato to Qin Yise.

"Miss Qin, answer it, the old house is calling."

What the hell, how can she answer such an important call?

Qin Yise subconsciously wanted to hang up, but was warned by the bodyguards with the same eyes.

The members of the Rong family are not easy to mess with.

She froze, kept her breath steady, answered in a formulaic way, and responded with the sweet voice professionally trained by a secretary: "Hello, this is the President's Office..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted coldly by the other party: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm looking for you!"

Qin Yise bit her lower lip anxiously, gripped the microphone hard, her heart was pounding, and the majestic voice came into her ears, she was almost scared out of her wits.

It took a lot of effort to stabilize her mind, her palms were covered with sticky cold sweat, "Excuse me for asking, who are you?"

Qin Yise's voice was gentle and deep, but she already had an intuition in her heart that the other party was not Rong Jinbei's father, but someone close to him.

This is the first time she has received a call from an elder other than her own family. One can imagine how stressful she is.

Worried about saying the wrong thing and being scolded severely.

"Hehe, little girl, are you the woman my young master raised outside? I am the manager of the Rong family, you can call me Uncle Wei."

The manager of the Rong family?

Qin Yise knew in her heart that he must have been ordered by the old man to make this call, to ask the root cause.

How would she answer?Saying yes, but it's obviously not the case, it's tantamount to self-reporting, and the stigma has been confirmed.

But if he said no, he would definitely not believe it!

It's really hard to answer after thinking about it.

Qin Yise reflexively said: "Uncle Wei, don't get me wrong, the relationship between me and Mr. Rong is just a business relationship, nothing else!"

(End of this chapter)

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