you are the love of my life

Chapter 267 Domineering Possession

Chapter 267 Domineering Possession
How can the manager of the Rong family be so easy to dismiss? He sarcastically said with a half-smile: "Miss Qin, you don't have to play tricks on me, we know everything about you, don't try to seduce the heir of the Rong family, just like you Identity, even the threshold is not enough to qualify!"

Qin Yise felt that even a housekeeper would overwhelm her. If Rong Jinbei's father went to battle in person, would she vomit blood and die?
She held the microphone tighter, and said politely: "Uncle Wei, I don't quite understand what you mean. I never thought of seducing Mr. Rong. How could I go to climb the threshold of Rong's house in a whimsical way?"

She took a deep breath, slowed down her speech, and carefully considered every word before explaining.

"Miss Qin, I advise you to tell the truth, my master's patience is not very good." The manager smiled, but the meaning in his words was clear enough.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and remained silent.

Why would she admit to something she obviously didn't have.

"It seems that you don't intend to tell the truth? You were kidnapped by the young master of the Jin family before. It was the young master who rushed back and risked his life to save you. This time the Qin family went bankrupt, and it was the young master who paid a lot of money for you. After the siege was resolved, the Qin family was able to keep it. Tell me, what is your plan? Just ask for a price, how much will it cost?"


It's really good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles.

The old man of the Rong family knew everything that Rong Jinbei had done for her.

And he designed to make Qin's bear a huge debt of 70 billion yuan, but he didn't mention a word, and directly ignored the fuse.

That's right, people in the entire business circle probably feel the same way, she has a wicked mind.

"Since Miss Qin doesn't want to talk, it seems that I don't need to waste time, let's talk about it."

The indifferent voice fell without any emotion. Although it was not aggressive, this kind of pressure was more uncomfortable than a knife resting on the neck.

The moment the phone was hung up, Qin Yise seemed to hear the sound of throwing a glass, and a majestic and stern roar, "It's really outrageous!"

These simple words caused Qin Yise's peaceful world to collapse.

She seemed to have been drained of strength, and with a "wow", she collapsed on the leather seat.

How will the Rong family deal with her?kill her?Put her under house arrest?Or torture her little by little?

When she was thinking wildly, a tall figure silently opened the door and walked in, stopped in front of her, and the shadow enveloped her.

Qin Yise stared at the microphone in her hand in a daze, not noticing that someone came in, her scorching gaze made her raise her eyes suddenly, and it was Rong Jinbei's calm and handsome face that caught her eyes.

Under his calm facial features, people couldn't see through his true inner thoughts. He stared straight at her with deep black eyes.

Qin Yise was startled, and patted her chest in shock: "How did you get in?"

"He came in." He hooked his lips, with a half-smile.

"Why don't you make a sound at all, are you trying to scare the baby to death?" Qin Yise stood up from his seat, but unexpectedly her legs gave way and she fell back down again.

She looked at him in embarrassment, just as Rong Jinbei was also staring at her, looking at her and asking, "What wrong did you do behind my back?"


Qin Yise dodged her eyes and replied with a guilty conscience.

"Get up if you don't, what do you want to do by occupying my position? Stealing business secrets?"


(End of this chapter)

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