Chapter 268

Afraid that she would steal business secrets, and let her be a personal secretary?Leave her alone in the office? !
What a bad guy.

Qin Yise had long been immune to his posturing, so Rong Jinbei pulled her up and sat down by himself.

However, in the next second, she was firmly pressed on her thigh by this man, unable to move...

Qin Yise glanced at his side face, and saw that he gracefully clicked on the computer page, watching the stock market fluctuations without any haste, as if nothing happened.

"Rong Jinbei, tell me honestly, did something happen to the Qin family?"

She was uneasy, because after he answered the call, he behaved strangely and disappeared for so long, but the manager of the Rong family called again and confronted her like a prisoner.

Based on all the above, Qin Yise has a bad feeling.

Rong Jinbei paused while holding the hand of the mouse. Hearing this, he glanced sideways slightly, looking at her anxious face, deep voice, with a unique sex appeal, and vaguely lazy noble and elegant: "Even if it happens, What's the matter, tell you, can you solve it?"


"Since I can't help you with anything, don't talk nonsense, I'm hungry, get up and eat!"

As soon as his words fell, bodyguards immediately brought in the packed meals.

The beautifully packaged sandalwood box exudes the aroma of food, and it looks like the dishes of a big restaurant at first glance.

Qin Yise backed away from him in astonishment, "You have spent a lot of trouble, do you want me to stay here and have dinner with you?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Rong Jinbei asked indifferently, and threw the question back to her.

Qin Yise's face was slightly embarrassing, and she said without any emotional ups and downs: "I understand, you are a businessman, and you will not let your own interests suffer a little loss."

"You can't stop your mouth when you eat."


Qin Yise kept silent, she didn't have much appetite, no matter how delicate the food was, it tasted like nothing to her.

"Not to your taste?" Rong Jinbei seemed to notice her abnormality, and squinted at her.

"No, it's delicious."

She gritted her teeth, perfunctory.

I tried my best to stuff food into my mouth, but when I swallowed, my throat was trembling, dry and painful.


After forcibly eating it, she had a painful expression, retched a few times, and almost vomited it out.

Suddenly, a glass of warm water was handed to her. Qin Yise put down her chopsticks and looked up at Rong Jinbei in surprise. He was looking at her intently. Although he wasn't nervous or concerned, he paid attention to every detail. Still enough to impress her.

"Thank you."

She took the cup, raised her head and took a big sip, the pain in her throat gradually subsided.

The man put one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the tea table. Looking from behind, it seemed like he was holding her in his arms.

With his thin lips parted slightly, his voice was low, and he said playfully, "Such a big reaction, could it be pregnancy?"

"Impossible, I have taken medicine."

Qin Yise doesn't like to make fun of such things, especially him.

Love is a matter between two people. If it is not for the same mind, it is the misfortune of three people to have children just to continue the incense.

"Then you have side effects from taking medicine?" Rong Jinbei's face was stern.

Unexpectedly, there are still women who dislike being pregnant with his child!
This is something that many people wish for, but she dares not to.

(End of this chapter)

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