you are the love of my life

Chapter 270 Can't help but want to torture you

Chapter 270 Can't help but want to torture you
"I'm doing this for your own good. Don't you think it's too ostentatious? Sit comfortably." Rong Jinbei picked up his coffee, blew on it, and took a sip, his tone extremely domineering.

Qin Yise frowned, didn't say any more, and went back to sit on the sofa depressed.

After suffering like this for another two hours, she couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up with a swipe, "Isn't being the president very enjoyable every day, eating, drinking, having fun, and gambling everywhere, why are you an exception, busy from morning till night?"

"Miss Qin, are you complaining that I don't have time to make love to you?" Rong Jinbei asked sharply.

"Pretend I didn't ask." She knew that he didn't have a few serious answers from his mouth.

"Come here!" The man put down the cup and hooked his fingers, as if calling a pet.

Qin Yise raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "What do you want to do again?"

"Don't worry, I won't touch you now. Aren't I curious? Let me show you the real business secrets." Rong Jinbei said.

She walked over in two or three steps, leaned on the table, and looked at the dense emails on the computer, and there were many technical terms that she couldn't understand at all.

But know that this is discussing the progress of a certain project.

Only a faint voice sounded in my ear: "I am deploying a game of chess, and the ultimate goal is to defeat a powerful opponent, and that is my father."

The president of Rongda said calmly.

"Beat your father? Why, aren't you the biological father and son? I thought you were handling the company's daily affairs." Qin Yise opened her mouth wide and said in surprise.

Rong Jinbei tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and the screen switched to the company's internal process system.

He smiled evilly, with a sexy voice, "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Only by defeating him can I be the real overlord and control my own destiny!"

Especially get rid of the shackles of commercial marriage.

He hates being controlled by others the most!

Qin Yise looked at the screen in astonishment. There was an organizational chart on it. There were quite a few executives that Mr. Rong had placed in the group, and all of them were marked with red labels.

It seems that the personnel struggle is quite fierce, and a storm is coming soon!

The battles in these wealthy families are really similar to the palace fights shown on TV, every step has to be planned out!
"You are the finished product created by your father. He raised you up, but you want to bite back and defeat him. Isn't this a white-eyed wolf?" Qin Yise asked half-jokingly, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest, the law of survival remains the same forever. If you want to ensure your status and not be bullied by the strong, you must first strengthen yourself, and you cannot leave a loophole for others to take advantage of." Rong Jinbei Naturally, she responded.

"You came back in a hurry and locked yourself in the office just for this?" Qin Yise suddenly realized.

"Of course, to defeat the enemy, there is no delay, time is life."

He chuckled, and continued to arrange personnel changes on the computer.

There were also some old electronic contracts, which were sorted out by the assistant and sent to his mailbox.

He really broke through one by one!
In the eyes of this kind of workaholic, wasting time is tantamount to wasting life.

Qin Yise felt that despite her prejudice against him, she had to admit that he was really attractive.

She had been his secretary before, and knew that he demanded perfection in everything, so he could step on the edge of a knife without a single drop of blood, leaving his opponent completely defeated and defenseless.

(End of this chapter)

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