you are the love of my life

Chapter 271 Absolutely Not

Chapter 271 Absolutely Not
If he wasn't so bad, she thought, she would be attracted by his charisma!

"Haven't seen enough? Shouldn't it be closer?"

When he said this, Qin Yise turned her head away awkwardly, not knowing where to put her eyes.

Rong Jinbei smiled, and continued to playfully said, "It's okay for you to be a nymphomaniac to me, but you're not allowed to do that to others. Also, you'd better not fall in love with me!"

He suddenly changed his tone and gave a warning in a deep voice.

Qin Yise was puzzled, and asked reflexively, "Why?"

When the words came out of her mouth, she immediately regretted it, wishing to slap herself.

You're so stupid. If you ask this, don't you just fall into his trap?
She turned her head sideways, and her eyes met his, only one centimeter away from each other.

Sure enough, Rong Jinbei hooked his lips and gave an evil smile: "Because I can't help but like you more..."

He didn't go any further.

But Qin Yise deeply realized how deep his words of liking are.

Qin Yise's eyes widened, and she froze all of a sudden, staring at him in a daze, and even forgot to react.

When she thought of pushing him away, her hands were tightly bound by him, unable to move.

Rong Jinbei's character is sometimes domineering, sometimes gentle and long-lasting, and sometimes extremely domineering.

She gradually sank, and after a long time, she had a sudden jolt and woke up.

How could this person be allowed to do evil?

And he is still working, someone will come in at any time, absolutely not!

If he's crazy, is he going crazy too?

It doesn't matter if he is shameless, but she still wants to.

Qin Yise thought of this, just when she thought that Rong Jinbei would play tricks and struggled desperately.

But he suddenly let go of her and pressed against her forehead, his eyes were stained with a thick color.

Compared with him, she is not much better, her hair is disheveled, and her voice has become a little hoarse, "President Rong Da is really a stubborn person. He looks good, but he can't change the despicableness in his bones."

"Yeah, so didn't I warn you just now, don't mess with me, if I have something to do now, I definitely wouldn't hesitate!" Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows with a half-smile.

He seemed to regard this evaluation as a compliment, and his handsome face was full of satisfaction, enjoying it quite a bit.

Qin Yise turned around and wanted to leave, but he didn't agree.

"Aren't you going to be busy, why don't you let me go?"

On the computer screen are boring English emails and incomprehensible business terms.

"I think it's too dangerous for you, a disobedient pet, to be outside, and it's safest to be by my side!" Rong Jinbei didn't feel any surprise, and said it contentedly, as if it was a very normal thing.

By the time he finished, the time had changed from noon to dusk.

And the people around him were quiet for the first time, without any resistance.

When he felt surprised and looked down at her, he found that she had fallen asleep in his arms.

The small mouth is slightly open, and the sleeping posture is somewhat indecent.

The corners of Rong Jinbei's mouth raised slightly, and he couldn't help revealing a gentleness that he didn't even realize.

He put Qin Yise on the bed in the rest room inside, and as soon as she put it down, the woman turned over and fell asleep in a more comfortable sleeping position.

It's really a little lazy cat, with extremely sharp claws, scratching his heart and lungs, making him itchy all over his body, which is extremely uncomfortable!

Rong Jinbei stretched out his hand to straighten her long hair, revealing a small white face, and gently caressed the center of her brow with his fingertips...

(End of this chapter)

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