you are the love of my life

Chapter 272 Terminal Illness Isn't Simple?

Chapter 272 Terminal Illness Isn't Simple?
Rong Jinbei stretched out his hand to straighten her long hair, revealing a small white face. He gently stroked the center of her brow with his fingertips, and frowned when he thought of what she said just now.

He immediately stood up, took out his mobile phone to make a call, and ordered in a deep voice, "Ling Tuo, call the best doctor right away!"

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Ling Tuo asked with concern.

"No, if you are told to contact me, then hurry up!"

"Oh, good."

About 10 minutes later, Ling Tuo knocked on the door and came in with a private foreign doctor.

Rong Jinbei personally stared at the blood test. The doctor was skilled. Qin Yise almost didn't feel any pain during the whole process, and continued to sleep deeply in his sleep.

Her arms were cold, she frowned slightly, Rong Jinbei immediately reprimanded with a dark face: "Take it easy, how did you get into the doctor's qualification certificate, you are clumsy!"

Dr. Meier is embarrassed. He is a famous doctor with gold medal professor level in the world, and it is difficult to get an appointment.

To be bombarded to give a sleeping woman a blood test secretly, and to be questioned about her medical skills?

This is too much to bully him!
Rong Jinbei ignored the weird look on his face, and after he settled his mind, he drove out the idlers and others, lay down with all his clothes on, and fell asleep next to the sleeping woman.
"Dr. Meyer, what are you holding?"

Qiao Man parked the car, and as soon as she walked into the gate of the Rong Group, she saw an old friend she was familiar with, and hurried forward to say hello.

In fact, she had a lot of doubts in her heart, and she wanted to ask, but she couldn't speak directly.

Who is not feeling well and wants to alert this internationally renowned professor to come to see him in person?

Is Brother Jin Bei injured?
Her eyes were scrutinized, and Dr. Meyer didn't hide anything. He explained sincerely, "It's a lady who needs a physical examination. Rong Shao doesn't want to alarm outsiders. Just because of such a small matter, he forced me to go to the doctor. He has a lot of money." Don’t panic, it’s not like burning like this, it’s been a little longer since the blood was drawn just now, and he still scolded me!”

Dr. Meier was full of resentment, and he couldn't like Qin Yise in an instant.

It's that woman again!

Qiao Man's expression turned cold, she held the key in her hand, and smiled sarcastically: "What kind of distinguished guest still needs to alarm your big Buddha. Is she seriously ill? She actually needs to take a blood test."

"I'm still not sure about this. You can only make a judgment after the results come out. Although Mr. Rong didn't say it clearly, it seems that it's serious. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to let me come over!"

Qiao Man suddenly turned around, instead of going in, she walked out with Dr. Meyer, talking and laughing, "Is it really so serious? With your medical skills, what kind of disease can't be cured?"

"I don't know, if it's terminally ill, the gods can't do anything about it." Meier explained speechlessly with his mouth twitching.

Terminal illness, it's not easy.

Since gods are hard to cure, Qin Yise, this time you are doomed!

Qiao Man smiled, pretending to be considerate, but she was so complacent in her heart.

"It seems that Brother Jin Bei really cares about this woman. When the test results come out, don't rush to tell him. I will convey it for you. After all, if it is bad news, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear such a blow. One time is enough, when Aunt Rong passed away, he was depressed for several years before he regained his composure, as you know."

"Having said that." Dr. Meyer looked at her in embarrassment, "but...patients have the right to know about their condition, so deliberately concealing it like this is against professional ethics!"

(End of this chapter)

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