Chapter 275

She picked some simple ingredients and put them in the shopping cart, as well as some fruit.

"Are you really going to just give me fried rice with eggs?" Rong Jinbei asked.

Qin Yise nodded, and explained in a serious manner, "There are a lot of supplementary food in here, noodles, steak, fruit salad, don't worry, there is enough to eat..."

"Forget it, how could I pick up a woman as stupid as you and come back to find abuse for myself."

President Rongda gave her a sidelong glance, quite disgusted, he raised his foot and walked forward.

Why did he disobey his father for her sake?
Marry a woman who is equal to yourself, and don't have to worry about doing anything!
But he was lucky enough to think that perhaps it would be possible to train this idiot.

Rong Jinbei was surprised to find that he cared too much for Qin Yise, and his mind was still thinking about reforming her.

This is ridiculous.

Her background, and her qualifications, will never be able to catch up with his footsteps!
Subconsciously, he was willing to stop and wait for her, to wait for her to grow up, full of wings, and stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Even such boring and time-wasting things as going to the supermarket for dinner and dating, he actually accompanied her here for the first time!

Qin Yise didn't realize the abnormality in his expression, and cheerfully went to the underworld. "Who told Mr. Rong to mistake fish eyes for pearls, and who is to blame for his blindness?"

She knows that these orthodox aristocrats with noble status and extraordinary family background like to step on others and lift themselves up, which seems to have a special sense of accomplishment.

She just satisfies his perverted sense of superiority, isn't she so kind?

"Shut your crow's mouth and go back to cooking."

Rong Jinbei gave her a cold look.

Qin Yise scratched her forehead, this man is simply incomprehensible, with a weird and unpredictable temper!
Just now, there was a smile on his face, and the sky was full of sunshine, but now it is covered with dark clouds!

After paying the bill, Qin Yise twisted the shopping bag and followed Rong Jinbei like a babysitter.

She struggled to put the things into the trunk, and when she turned around, the man was holding the back cover with his hands, one head higher than her, staring at her with deep eyes, without saying a word, just like examining a criminal who committed all kinds of crimes.

Qin Yise gave him a strange look, and was about to walk away from under his nose, but Rong Jinbei grabbed her arm, pushed her against the side door, and slammed the trunk shut hard.

"What do you want again?"

Qin Yise asked in a daze, completely unable to understand his routine.

What kind of temper tantrum do you have?

Did she mess with him?
"Woman, have you forgotten something very important!"

Rong Jinbei bent down, approached her ear, and asked in a deep voice.

"what's up?"

Qin Yise had a headache and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You signed a contract of sale with me, but you still broke your promise and wanted to run away. It seems that the agreement can't restrain you, you have to take out a mortgage!" Rong Jinbei stared at her fiercely.

Qin Yise swallowed, sweat began to break out on her nervous forehead.

"Are you doing too much real estate, and you are crazy about making money. I am a living person, how can I mortgage it to you?"

To be his secretary is unqualified!
It's not sexy enough to be his mistress!

Be his servant, he doesn't need it.

Apart from being an obedient pet, Qin Yise really couldn't find any value for herself.

She looked at the angry handsome face in front of her, sighed, and added patiently, "If I owe you a debt, I can pay it in installments. It is within my ability, and I can accept it unconditionally!"

(End of this chapter)

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